Nervous Communication

Cards (12)

  • What helps organisms survive?
    responding to their external environment
  • How do animals increase their chances of survival?
    By responding to changes in their external environment and internal environment
  • Why do animals respond to changes in their internal environment?
    To ensure that the conditions are always optimal for their metabolism
  • How do plants increase their chances of survival?
    response to environment
  • what is a stimulus?
    any change in the internal or external environment
  • What do receptors do?
    detect stimli
  • what can receptors be?
    cells or proteins on cell surface membranes
  • different types of receptors detect different stimuli
  • What are effectors?
    Cells that brings about a response to a stimulus, to produce and effect
  • What do effectors include?
    Muscle cells, cells found in glands
  • How do receptors COMMUNICATE with effectors?
    VIA the nervous system or hormonal system, or both
  • What are receptors.......?
    Receptors are specific to one type of stimulus