Cards (63)

  • Mons pubis
    mound of fatty tissue over the symphysis pubis that contains and protects the bone
  • Labia majora
    longitudinal folds of pigmented skin extending from the mons pubis to the perineum
  • Labia minora
    soft longitudinal skin folds between the labia majora
  • Clitoris
    erectile tissue, the primary site fo sexual arousal in women
  • Urethral meatus
    (urethral orifice) between the clitoris and the vaginal orifice for the purpose of urination
  • Skene or paraurethral glands

    small mucus secreting gland that open into the posterior wall of the urinary meatus and lubricate the vagina
  • Vestibule
    almond shape area between the labia minora containing the vaginal introitus, hymen, and bartholin's glands
  • Vaginal introitus
    external opening of the vagina
  • Hymen
    membraneous tissue ringing the vaginal introitus
  • Bartholin or Vulvoginal glands
    mucus-secreting glands located on either side of the vaginal orifice
  • Perineal body
    composed of muscles and fascia that support pelvic structures
  • Perineum
    area of tissue between the anus and vagina site for episiotomy
  • Vagina
    female organ of copulation and serves as birth canal
  • Normas pH of vagina: 3.8-4.5 . It is slightly decreases when you get older
  • Ovaries
    located close to and on both sided of the uterus in the lower abdomen
  • Ovaries
    produces mature and discharge ova. Produces estrogen and progesterone and initiate and regulates menstrual cycle
  • An ovary releases an egg around the middle of your menstrual cycle (around day 14 of a 28-day cycle) in a process called ovulation
  • Ovarian follicle
    are small sacs in the ovaries that hold immature eggs
  • Each month, between day 6 and 14 of your menstrual cycle, follicle-stimulation hormones causes follicles in one of your ovaries to mature
  • At about day 14 in the menstrual cycle, a sudden surge in luteinizing hormones causes the ovary to release an egg (ovulation)
  • Fallopian tube
    narrow, hollow structure where the egg begins to travel through to the uterus
  • Progesterone
    helps prepare the uterine lining (endometrial lining) for pregnancy. Implantation of the fertilized egg
  • Estrogen
    highest in the first half of the menstrual cycle before ovulation
  • Progesterone
    rises during second half of the menstrual cycle to prepare your uterus for a fertilized egg
  • Uterus
    nourishes the developing fetus prior to birth
  • Uterus
    site for implantation and is responsible for menstruation
  • Uterus
    responsible for many functions in the processes of implantation, gestation, menstruation, and labor and delivery process
  • Endometrium
    composed of epithelial cells that respond to hormones changes
  • Endometrium
    important layer for menstrual function
  • Endometrium
    becomes thick and responsive each month under the influence of estrogen and progesterones that it becomes capable of supporting pregnancy.
  • Endometrium
    this layer shed as the menstrual flow if pregnancy did not occur
  • Myometrium
    (thick middle layer) composed of smooth muscle and responsible during uterine contraction at the end of pregnancy to expel the fetus
  • Perimetrium
    (outer layer) serosal layer covering the uterus and supports the entire organ
  • Three sections of the uterus
    Fundus, Body, and Cervix
  • Fundus
    top and widest organ of the uterus
  • Fundus
    can be palpated abdominally to determine the amount of uterine growth during pregnancy
  • Corpus or Body
    main part of the uterus
  • Coprus or Body
    expands to accomodate the growing fetus
  • Cervix
    opens into the vagina and dilates to allow passage of the fetus during childbirth
  • Cervix dilates from 0-10 cm to allow passage of the fetus