Cards (37)

  • What are the two main divisions of the nervous system?
    Central and peripheral nervous systems
  • What does the central nervous system consist of?
    Brain and spinal cord
  • What are the components of the brain?
    Cerebrum, cerebellum, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
  • What forms the brainstem?
    Midbrain, pons, and medulla
  • What are cranial nerves?
    Nerves attached to the brain
  • What are spinal nerves?
    Nerves attached to the spinal cord
  • What do peripheral nerves supply?
    Skin, muscles, joints, and visceral structures
  • What are the two major parts of the peripheral nervous system?
    Autonomic and somatic nervous systems
  • What are the subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system?
    Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • What protects the brain?
  • What protects the spinal cord?
  • When does the human nervous system start to form?
    Very early in embryo development
  • What is the notochord?
    Elongated structure laid down during gastrulation
  • What is neurulation?
    Process of nervous system development
  • What are the three germ layers formed during gastrulation?
    Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
  • What does the ectoderm generate?
    Skin and nervous tissue
  • What does the mesoderm generate?
    Muscle, blood, and connective tissues
  • What does the endoderm generate?
    Epithelial lining and glands
  • What does the notochord signal during neurulation?
    Formation of the neural plate
  • What forms the neural tube?
    Closure of the neural groove
  • What are the openings left after neural tube closure?
    Anterior and posterior neuropores
  • When does the anterior neuropore close?
    Around day 25
  • When does the posterior neuropore close?
    Around day 28
  • What does the rostral part of the neural tube develop into?
  • What does the caudal part of the neural tube develop into?
    Spinal cord
  • What happens to the notochord after vertebrae develop?
    It disappears
  • What are the three major brain areas formed from the neural tube?
    Prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
  • What does the forebrain split into?
    Telencephalon and diencephalon
  • What does the hindbrain split into?
    Metencephalon and myelencephalon
  • What can failure of neuropore closure cause?
    Neural tube defects
  • What are the two most common neural tube defects?
    Spina bifida and anencephaly
  • What is spina bifida?
    Incomplete closure of spinal column
  • What is anencephaly?
    Absence of parts of brain and skull
  • What are the main functions of the nervous system?
    Control and coordinate body activities
  • Why is the autonomic nervous system significant?

    Regulates involuntary body functions
  • What do neural crest cells develop into?
    Peripheral nervous system components
  • What are the health implications of neural tube defects?
    Can lead to severe disabilities