Cards (43)

  • What is the peripheral nervous system comprised of?
    Nerves and ganglia
  • What is the primary function of the peripheral nervous system?
    Connect limbs and organs to CNS
  • How many systems is the peripheral nervous system divided into?
    Two systems
  • What are the two systems of the peripheral nervous system?
    Sensory-somatic and autonomic nervous systems
  • What types of nerves comprise the somatic nervous system?
    Cranial and spinal nerves
  • How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
    12 pairs
  • Where do cranial nerves originate from?
    From the brain
  • Which cranial nerves emerge from the cerebrum?
    First and second pairs
  • What is the function of cranial nerves?
    Transmit sensory information and innervate muscles
  • How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
    31 pairs
  • What do spinal nerves carry information between?
    Spinal cord and the body
  • What is the difference between cranial and spinal nerves?
    Cranial nerves emerge from the brain
  • What is the function of CN I (Olfactory nerve)?

    Sense of smell
  • Where does CN II (Optic nerve) transmit information from?
    Retina of the eye
  • What muscles does CN III (Oculomotor nerve) innervate?
    Eye muscles and iris
  • What is the function of CN V (Trigeminal nerve)?
    Chewing and facial sensation
  • What does the brachial plexus provide?
    Nerve supply to shoulders and upper limbs
  • What is the location of the cervical plexus?
    Underneath the sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • What does the phrenic nerve innervate?
    Top of the diaphragm
  • What is the main function of the deep tendon reflex?
    Maintain balance
  • What is a reflex?
    Involuntary movement in response to stimulus
  • How does a reflex arc function?
    Includes sensory receptor, neuron, integrating center, motor neuron, effector
  • What is neuropathy?
    Disease causing nerve function disturbance
  • What is sciatica caused by?
    Irritation of the sciatic nerve
  • What happens in carpal tunnel syndrome?
    Tendons in wrist become inflamed
  • What is diabetic neuropathy associated with?
    Diabetes mellitus
  • What does autonomic neuropathy affect?

    Internal body structures' functions
  • What is postherpetic neuralgia?
    Pain after shingles infection
  • What is the role of the integrating center in a reflex arc?
    Acts as a synapse between neurons
  • How do nerve plexuses benefit limb muscles?
    Provide multiple nerve innervations for backup
  • What is the function of CN IV (Trochlear nerve)?
    Movement of the eyeball
  • What is the function of CN VI (Abducent nerve)?
    Movement of the eye
  • What is the function of CN VII (Facial nerve)?
    Sensation of taste and facial expression
  • What is the function of CN VIII (Auditory nerve)?
    Sense of hearing
  • What is the function of CN IX (Glossopharyngeal nerve)?
    Taste sensation and saliva secretion
  • What is the function of CN X (Vagus nerve)?
    Movement and secretion in organs
  • What is the function of CN XI (Accessory nerve)?
    Movement of head and shoulders
  • What is the function of CN XII (Hypoglossal nerve)?
    Movement of the tongue
  • What are the segments of spinal nerves?
    C1-C8, T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, coccygeal
  • What are the types of spinal reflexes?
    Stretch, flexor, crossed extensor, superficial