Neural Explanations

Cards (3)

  • Neurons can be used to explain OCD as the genes associated with OCD likely affect the level of key neural transmitters and brain structure. Physical and psychological characteristics are determined by the behaviour of the brain/nervous system.
  • The Role of Serotonin: Neural explanations
    Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulated mood. Neurotransmitters are responsible for relaying information from one neuron to another. Low serotonin levels means that mood-relevant information is not transmitted properly, causing low mood. This can explain some cases of OCD.
  • Decision-Making Systems: Neural Explanations
    Some cases such as hoarding can be associated with impaired decision making, which can be associated with abnormal function of the frontal lobe. Evidence suggests that the left hippocampalgyros, which is responsible for processing unpleasant emotions, functions abnormally for those with OCD.