cell organisation

Cards (9)

  • unicellular organisms
    consist of one cell which performs all the vital functions for the organism to survive -- takes in nutrients, removes waste, exchanges gas, reproduces
    ALL prokaryotes are unicellular but NOT all unicellular organisms are prokaryotes
  • colonial organisms

    a group of unicellular organisms living together
    while the cells can survive individually there is a higher chance of survival if they live together -- safety in numbers
  • multicellular organisms

    cells are specialised, can't survive individually, communicate, have the same DNA (only specific part are activated)
    reuires more energy and evolution is slower due to larger cell population
    energy efficient
    ALL multicellular organisms are made up of eukaryotic cells
  • cell specialisation
    each cell has its own job and it has a unique structure that allows it to do the job
  • cell differentiation
    the process by which cells become specialised -- occurs after fertilisation
    cells continually divide after fertilisation and certain genes are activated
  • tissues
    groups of similar cells working together for a particular function
  • organ
    2+ tissues working together to perform a specialised function
  • organ system

    group of organs that work together to perform a vital task
  • organism
    any living thing that functions as an individual made up of multiple organ systems