Mod 4: Electricity and Magnetism

Cards (12)

  • E=V/d, where E is electrical field strength, V is voltage and d is distance.
  • E=F/Q, Where E is electric field strength, F is force, and Q is charge.
  • V/d = F/Q
  • To find Force: q1*q2/4πε*r^2
  • ε = 8.854*10^-12
  • The head of the arrow always means a negative charge. The closer the arrows, the denser the fields, the higher the electric field strength.
  • Voltmeters can only be connected in parallel, Ammeters can only be connected in series.
  • Charge by Induction: two objects do not touch eachother
    Charge by contact: two objects touch eachother
    Charge by friction: two objects are rubbed against swapping electrons
  • Kirchoff's law of current:
    Current in= Current out
    Kirchoff's law of voltage:
    voltage in = voltage out
  • Voltage should be on the y-axis and current should be on the x axis for ohmic/non-ohmic resistors. If this is not the case, then, 1/r=I/V
  • non-ohmic resistors always have a non-linear exponential/logarithmic looking graph.
  • I coulomb = 6.25 x 10^18 electrons