Unit 4 AOS 2

Cards (60)

  • sustainable development goals
    the united nations created 17 global goals that work together to address extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice and address climate change by 2030
  • SDG's rationale:
    a new set of goals were needed when the MDG's finished in 2015
    progress in all areas was uneven across the globe (inequalities)
    new global challenges emerged such as climate change and conflict
  • features of SDG 3 good health and wellbeing pt.1
    1. aims to reduce maternal, infant and U5MR as well as premature mortality from both communicable and non communicable disease
    2. aims to reduce injuries and deaths from road accidents and substance use
    3. aims for universal health coverage
    4. aims to reduce global maternal mortality
    5. end preventable deaths of new borns and children under 5 years
  • features of SDG 3 good health and wellbeing pt. 2
    1. end the epidemics of aids, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other communicable disease
    2. reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases
    3. strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse including drug and alcohol abuse
  • features of SDG 3 good health and wellbeing pt.3
    1. reduce global deaths from injuries from road traffic incidents
    2. reduce deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
    3. universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services
  • implementation targets of SDG 3
    • strengthen the implementation of the who framework on tobacco control in all countries
    • support research and development of vaccines and medicines for diseases
    • strengthen prevention and treatment of substance use
    • achieve universal healthcare coverage including affordable access to healthcare services and vaccines/medicines
    • ensuring an adequate and well-trained health workforce in place in every country
    • strengthen capacity of all countries for early warning risk reduction and management of health and wellbeing risks
  • the 5 areas of importance
    people - ensure all human beings can fulfil their potential with dignity and equality in a healthy environment
    planet - protect planet from degradation through sustainable consumption and production
    prosperity - ensure all people can enjoy successful and fulfilling lives
    peace - foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies that are free from fear and violence
    partnership - implement global partnership for sustainable development and to support vulnerable countries
  • SDG 1: no poverty
    • aims to eradicate extreme poverty currently measured as people living on less than 1.90 US a day
    • aims to ensure all people have access and equal rights to appropriate social protection systems as well as services such as essential services
    • aims to build resilience of the poor and reduce their vulnerability to situations which increase poverty such as extreme events like natural disasters
  • SDG 1 NO POVERTY related to SDG 3
    no poverty means eradicating extreme poverty, so people can access more resources such as food, water and shelter. this reduces the risk of gaining infectious communicable diseases such as cholera promoting SDG 3
  • SDG 1 no poverty link to human development
    with few resources, families struggle to afford to educate children, reducing opportunities for people to find and remain in a job, without any education and income, less chance of accessing knowledge and achieving a decent standard of living.
  • SDG 2 - zero hunger
    • aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by ensuring all people, especially children, the poor, pregnant, elderly and those in vulnerable situations have access to safe and nutritious foods
    • aims to improve sustainable agriculture productivity, including adapting to climate change and extreme weather conditions
    • aims to maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, plants and animals and ensure access for all
  • SDG 2 relation to SDG 3:
    zero hunger means all people have access to safe and nutritious foods which will reduce the risks of premature death and illnesses associated with malnutrition, helping to reduce preventable deaths of children under 5 years, contributing to SDG 3
  • SDG 2 zero hunger link to human development
    well nourished children and adults have the energy to explore the environment, concentrate and learn new skills and knowledge.
  • SDG 4: quality education
    • aims to ensure children complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education
    • aums to ensure all adults and youth have adequate literacy skills
    • aims to increase skills for employment and education
    • aims to build and upgrade education facilities and increase number of qualified teachers
  • universal literacy and numeracy (SDG 4 quality education)
    education is important for health literacy, meaning most people can understand the behaviour required for a healthy lifestyle, which can reduce epidemics of communicable diseases and mortality/morbidity from non-communicable diseases
  • how is SDG 4 quality education related to SDG 3
    quality education promotes literacy and numeracy which leads to greater employment and therefore income, to purchase nutritious foods, shelter and clean water which reduces risk of premature mortality associated with communicable disease
  • SDG 4 quality education link to human development
    education increases knowledge and skills which creates opportunities for employment and increases the choices that people have and enhances capabilities when people are more educated as they are more likely to have interest in and participate in decisions affecting their lives
  • SDG 5 gender equality
    • aims to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere
    • aims to recognise and value unpaid domestic work
    • ensures women full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making
    • ends all forms of violence against women and girls including human trafficking and sexual exploitation
  • SDG 5 end discrimination against females
    in some countries women are not permitted to vote, participate in decisions and work.
    they are also considered property and can be trafficked for money
    they experience unpaid work, less access to school and violence
  • how is SDG 5 related to SDG 3
    gender equality means that women are able to access education, get employed and therefore marry later, making them able to protect themselves from communicable disease such as HIV
  • SDG 5 link to human development
    gender equality provides opportunities for women to participate in their society, to vote and become leaders in their community
  • SDG 6: clean water and sanitation
    • aims to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water
    • enable access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene
    • support participation of local communities in water and sanitation management
  • SDG 6: improving sanitation and hygiene for all
    by reducing open defecation, diseases caused by parasites and bacteria wont enter water sources, which reduces U5MR and deaths of communicable diseases
  • SDG 6 relation to SDG 3:
    clean water and sanitation means access to safe and affordable drinking water for all, lower rates of water borne communicable diseases such as cholera and reduces U5MR which leads to good H&W
  • SDG 6 impacts on human development
    access to safe water and sanitation helps people have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and can wash ther clothes and drink water without gaining disease
  • SDG 13: climate action
    • aims to strengthen the resilience and capacity of all countries to adapt to climate-related hazards and natural disasters
    • integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
    • improve education, awareness and the capacity of people and organisations to take actions that reduce or prevent environmental degradation
  • SDG 13: build knowledge to meet climate change
    by building knowledge surrounding climate change through education and campaigns, every person can take action against climate change by showing these impacts reducing global temperature and natural disasters
  • how is SDG 13 related to SDG 3:
    climate action means reducing global food waste which contirbutes to food security, reducing malnutrition particularly in children which reduces U5MR
  • SDG 13 impacts on human development
    climate action helps to use more sustainable ways to prevent climate change and global warming so more people can live happier and healthier lives
  • world health organisation
    a branch of united nations focusing on health by working with other agencies to develop international policies to prevent and manage disease outbreaks, ensure up to date research is available to promote H&W and help governments implement effective action for improvements in H&W
  • world health organisation priority 1
    achieving universal health coverage - goal is to ensure that every country has a strong and resilient people centered health system based on primary care, health promotion and disease prevention, aiming to ensure all healthcare is provided at an affordable cost.
  • world health organisation priority 2
    addressing health emergencies - goal of this is early warning, risk reduction and management of health and wellbeing risks. it includes building and sustaining resilient capacities to keep the world safe from epidemics and ensuring all people affected by health emergencies have quick access to life saving services
  • world health organisation priority 3
    promoting healthier populations - focuses on achievements of H&W targets in SDG 3 as it aims to decrease maternal mortality, child and newborn mortality rates and reduce communicable diseases across a population whilst promoting health and wellbeing of all lifespan stages
  • aid
    assistance given to countries or communities in the event of a crisis or for the development of long-term sustainable improvements
  • emergency/humanitarian aid
    short term immediate relief for countries to help in times of conflict and natural disasters, saving lives quickly and effectively.
    it provides food, medicine, shelter and personnel to areas experiencing disasters such as earthquakes. it is provided by both government and non government organisations.
  • bilateral aid
    aid given from one country to another. purpose is to help reduce poverty and bring about long-term sustainable development by helping governments of recipient countries strengthen their economic, political, health and education systems and eventually become self-sufficient. the donor country often gets something in return (allies)
  • multilateral aid
    aid provided through an international organisation such as world bank, united nations or WHO. Multillateral aid combines donations from several countries and then distributes them to the recipients
  • non-government organisation aids
    non-profit organisations that work to promote H&W and human development. they operate seperately from the government however often rely on funds from the government. tends to focus on smaller community-based projects that are targeted to meet basic health and wellbeing needs and promote community development and participation
  • Australias Aid
    australias aid effort is managed through the department of foreign affairs and trade (DFAT)
    through DFAT the australian government acts to promote sustainable human development by working to reduce poverty in low and middle income countries.
    purpose is to promote AUS national interest by contributing to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction b focusing on supporting private sector and strengthening human development
  • features of Australias aid program
    the australia government acts to promote human development by working to reduce poverty in low-middle income countries, promoting economic growth and poverty reduction.
    improving education and health as well as achieving gender equality are necessary to enable the development of a skilled workforce and better living standard.
    strengthening the private sector is important because it recognises that for people to escape poverty they must be given the opportunity to develop and use their skills more productively through self employment or by earning a wage.