a type of non-experimental study in which researches observe and measure the relationship between two or more variables without any active control or manipulation
negative correlation
a relationship in which as increase in one variable results in a decrease of the other
zero correlation
no relationship between the variables
positive correlation
a relationship in which both variables increase/decrease together
casual relationships
there is thought to be a casual relationship between the two variables but they are too dangerous, unethical or difficult to actively manipulate
Correlational studies are conducted to identify which factors may be of greater importance to some phenomena and aim to find relationships between variables, describe them and make predictions on the basis of them.
case studies
an in depth investigation of an individual, group or particular phenomenon (activity, behaviour, event or problem) that contains a real or hypothetical situation and includes the complexities that would be encountered in the real world
refers to any research involving observation and interaction with people & environments in real world settings, conducted beyond the lab
can be collecting data firsthand, participant observation, focus groups, questionnaires
literature reviews
refer to the process of collecting and analysing secondary data related to other people's scientific findings and viewpoints, in order to answer a question or provide background info to help explain observed events or as preparation for an investigation to generate primary data
the construction and/or manipulation of whether a physical model, such as a representation of an object or conceptual model that represents a system, that allows us to know, understand or simulate the system
product, process or system development
refers broadly to the design or evaluation of an artefact, process or system to meet a human need, which may involve technological applications, in addition to scientific knowledge & procedures
the process of using a model to study the behaviour of a real or theoretical system
measures of central tendency

descriptive statistics that summariese a data set by decribing the centre of the distribution of the data with a single value
mean, median, mode
measures of variability
statistics that summarise & describe the spread and distribution of a data set
range (subract lowest from highest)
standard deviation (decribes the spread of data around the mean, shows how much data deviates from the mean)