Earth revolves in orbit around the sun in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes with reference to the stars, at a speed ranging from 29.29 to 30.29 km/s. The 6 hours, 9 minutes adds up to about an extra day every fourth year, which is designated a leap year, with the extra day added as February 29th.
Rotation of moon produce 8 phases : new
Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing
gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, last
quarter and waning crescent. The cycle repeats
once a month (every 29.5 days).
By assuming that the distance from centers are constant:
Our solar system is made up of a star—the Sun—eight
planets, 146 moons, a bunch of comets, asteroids and
space rocks, ice, and several dwarf planets, such as Pluto.
The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Jupiter has the most named moons—50. Mercury and
Venus don't have any moons.
The first four, Mercury through Mars are "terrestrial" planets (rocky). The outer four, Jupiter through Neptune are "Jovian" planets (gaseous) It is because of gravity from the sun towards all the material.
The gravitational field strength of each planet is directly
proportional to the Mass and inversely proportional to the
size of the planet (the radius). Jupiter has the biggest
gravity (2.4g) since it is the most massive although it is
All are circling the sun in elliptical orbit
.Sun consists of hydrogen atoms that react in fusion to
produce helium and huge energy
All planets revolve around since it has the most mass in
which creates the biggest gravitational fieldstrength (gravity)
The energy is conserved so the further the distance (bigger
potential energy) means smaller speed (smaller kinetic
Stars: spherical masses of hot gases that produce heat and light
energy. Most of its energy is in infrared, visible and ultraviolet of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Measured in light years because they are so far away.
Light year (9.5x1015 m): the distance light travels in a
It is powered by fusion reaction of hydrogens to helium in nucleus
How bright a star appears depends upon:
Distance from Earth: The closer it is, the brighter it will appear.
Size: The bigger it is, the brighter it will appear.
Temperature: The hotter it is, the brighter it will appear - The objective measurement
Most stars appear white to the naked eye, but stars come in different colors.
E.g. the sun is yellow.
The hottest stars are the blue coloured stars while the coolest
stars are the red coloured stars.
When our Sun runs out of Hydrogen, it will lose its mass and
become a white dwarf.
Facts about life cycle of Stars:
This means they change over time.
A stars complete life cycle can take many millions of years.
When a star’s mass is used up, the star dies.
Gravitational strength and Temperature increases.
a protostar becomes a stable star when the inward force of gravitational attraction is balanced by an outward force due to the high temperature in the centre of the star
a red supergiant explodes as a supernova, which can cause huge gammarays and heat emissions that can kill a lot of life.
Black hole is a dead star that absorb anything around it including light.
Galaxies: Large groupings of millions or billions of stars and other
forms of masses held together by gravity.
Some examples: Milky Way , Andromeda, Canis Major dwarf
Segue 1, Sag DEG, Large Magellanic Cloud.
Our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy which has diameter of
100,000 light years (9.5 x 1017 km).
The light that we received from galaxies are red shifted so the
colour and the position are not exact. (means the color is towards red
than it actually is). Red shifted means the frequency is getting lower.
This only happens when the galaxies are moving away from us
(Doppler’s theory).
This suggest that a long time ago (13.8 billion years ago) the
universe must be compiled in a small area (hot and dense small
region) that has expanded with acceleration outwards (BIG BANG
This theory also backed by the discovery of cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMBR) which is the remains of the energy
from the Big Bang, spread thinly across the whole Universe in
The distance of galaxy can be found from the brightness of a
supernova in the galaxy. The speed of the movement can be found
from the red shift frequency.
Big Bang theory : all galaxies are moving away from each
other with different velocities. The universe is pulsating
(expansion and contraction).
If galaxies are moving away, they must have been
close to one point together millions of years ago.
If Hubble’s graph is used,
the origin of this movement = approx. 10 biliion years old.
Hubble’s data is plotted into graph.
The gradient of Hubble’s graph= Ho
Age of universe = 1/H0 Right now around 10 billion years old
The derivation: according to Hubble’s law:
v= Ho. r
v= speed of movement of object
r = distance from solar system.
The universe is pulsating (pulsating universe theory) between expansion and
The universe will end either:
Continue to expand forever---Hubble’s law, it means that the sun will befurther from the earth.Return in on itself back to its origin (Big Crunch) IF the gravity overpowers
Return in on itself back to its origin (Big Crunch) IF the gravity overpowers expansion.