module 4.1

Cards (29)

  • homologous series: series of organic compounds that have the same functional group with successive members differing by CH2
  • functional group: a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of a compound
    detailed in either the suffix (end) if it is the most important group or the prefix (start) if it is an additional functional group
  • alkyl group: a group with the general formula CnH2n+1
  • aliphatic: hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in straight or branched chains
  • alicyclic: hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in a ring structure
  • aromatic: contains at least one benzene ring
  • saturated: organic compound that only has C-C single bonds 
  • unsaturated: an organic compound which contains at least one C=C double bond, a C≡C triple bond or an aromatic ring 
  • alkane general formula
  • alkene general formula
  • alcohol general formula
  • structural isomers: same molecular formula different structures (or structural formulae)
  • functional group isomers: compounds with the same molecular formula but with atoms arranged to give different functional groups
  • homolytic bond fission: happens when each bonding atom recieves one electron from the bonded pair, forming two radicals 
  • heterolytic fission: happens when one bonding atom recieves both electrons from the bonding pair
  • radical: species with one or more unpaired electrons
  • curly arrow: models the flow of electron pairs during reaction mechanisms
  • alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons containing single C-C and C-H bonds as σ-bonds
  • describe the formation of the σ bond in alkanes
    carbon 2s and 2p atomic orbitals make 4 hybrid orbitals (sp³)
    two sp³ orbitals in neighbouring carbon atoms overlap to produce a C-C σ bond between the atoms
    remaining three sp³ orbitals on each carbon atom overlap with 1s orbitals from three separate hydrogen atoms to produce three C-H σ bonds
  • the carbon atom in alkanes is tetrahedral and the bond angle is 109.5°
    the shape is tetrahedral as a result of the four bond pairs of electrons equally repelling
  • as an alkane chain length gets longer its relative molecular mass increases
    larger molecules have more surface area contacts between adjacent molecules.
    this increases the number of induced dipole-dipole forces
    so more energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular attraction in order that the alkane can change state
  • structural isomers of alkanes have different boiling points. the more branched a compound is, the fewer surface area interactions there are between molecules - this is because the molecules cannot fit together as neatly
    therefore branched molecules have fewer induced dipole-dipole attractions compared to the straight-chain isomer with the same molecular formula
    this leads to branched molecules having a lower boiling point than the equivalent straight-chain isomer
  • alkanes have a low reactivity with many reagents
    all the covalent bonds in alkane molecules have high bond enthalpies - a large amount of energy is required to break the bonds
    the carbon-hydrogen σ bonds have very low polarity because the electronegativities of carbon and hydrogen are almost the same
  • in excess oxygen alkanes will burn with complete combustion
    CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
  • alkanes readily burn in the presence of oxygen. this combustion of alkanes is highly exothermic, explaining their use as fuels.
  • 2CH4 + 2 1/2 O2CO + C + 4H2O
    2CH4 + 3 1/2 O2CO2 + CO + 4H2O
    3CH4 + 4 1/2 O2CO2 + CO + C + 6H2O
    if there is a limited amount of oxygen then incomplete combustion occurs, producing CO (which is very toxic) and/or C (producing a sooty flame)
  • CO is toxic to humans as CO can form a strong bond with haemoglobin in red blood cells. This is a stronger bond than that made with oxygen and so it prevents the oxygen attaching to the haemoglobin.
    carbon monoxide is a highly toxic but odourless gas. it can cause death if it builds up in an enclosed space due to faulty heating appliances.
  • limitations of radical substitution?
    further substitution could occur if another chloride radical collides with the product of propagation
    if the carbon chain is longer, a mixture of products forms as substitution occurs at different positions along the chain
  • alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a C=C bond comprising a π bond