Cards (5)

  • (T) Validity
    • more likely to reveal truthful picture of what reasearcher set out to study because the researcher is less likely to rely on answers that are too retrospective .
    • Researchers are able to develop a greater rapport with participants meaning they are more likely to give honest answers
  • (T) Validity 2
    in 7UP bbc set out to examine the lives of individuals from a variety of social class backgrounds to look at social mobility
    • researcher interviewed Ps every 7 years aswell as using video recordings of participants and even their families .
    • study is continuing and the participants are now 56
  • (P) Comparisons can be made
    • made between data from same participants over the course of study
    • can also be made between different groups involved in the study over time
    • enables researchers to establish causes ( Douglas followed children of different backgrounds but similar ability to find ou why middle class children do better in school )
  • P (2)
    Douglas followed a sample of 6532 children who were all born in the first week of march 1946 .
    • research traced ther progress up until 16 and he identified there were greater levels of encouragement and expectations within middle class families
  • (T) Detailed Insight
    • trace developments over a period of time rather than just offering up a snapshot .
    • allows for a more detailed picture of the social phenomena being studied