Aims of punishment

Cards (5)

  • Aims of punishment
    • Retribution (revenge)
    • Protection
    • Deterrence
    • Reformation
  • Retribution
    • In both the Qur’an and the bible say in the law of revenge that you can take “an eye for an eye” or a “life for a life”.
    • This is used to justify capital punishment (the death penalty) and corporal punishment (punishment of the body) for murderers.
    • Some people argue that this is a deterrent.
    • If you threaten to kill murderers then they are less likely to murder.
  • Protection
    • Protection means keeping people safe.
    • Criminals who are locked in prisons can’t go on to commit more crimes.
    • Some prisons can be used to reform people as well depending on what the prisoners do while they are in there.
  • Deterrence
    • Deterrence is about putting people off.
    • If the punishment is made bad enough then hopefully people won’t do it in the first place.
    • This is used to justify both the death penalty and certain corporal punishments as well as harsh prison sentences.
  • Reformation
    • This means changing people or making them into better people.
    • Punishments like community service is often used for this.
    • It allows people to gain new skills and learn about the damage they have done.
    • This aim is not a deterrent. It offers no retribution and does nothing to protect the public from criminals.