Sociology Family

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  • What is the functionalist view of the family?
    The family is a positive institution.
  • What type of family is considered the best according to functionalists?
    The nuclear family is considered the best.
  • What are the four functions of the family according to functionalists?
    1. Socialization
    2. Reproduction
    3. Economic support
    4. Emotional support
  • How many societies were studied to conclude that the nuclear family is universal?
    250 societies were studied.
  • What is a criticism of the functionalist view of the family regarding family diversity?
    It ignores family diversity.
  • What do feminists argue about the family?
    Feminists argue that the family is a repressive institution that represents patriarchy.
  • What are the two functions of the family identified by feminists?
    Primary socialization and stabilization of adult personalities.
  • What is the criticism of Parsons' view of the family?
    It is not representative as he only studied American families.
  • According to Zarets, how has the role of the family changed in capitalist society?
    The family has shifted from a unit of production to a unit of consumption.
  • What do radical feminists argue about the family structure?
    Radical feminists argue that the family maintains a hierarchy and exploits women.
  • What are the five types of family diversity mentioned in the study material?
    1. Single-parent families
    2. Reconstituted families
    3. Extended families
    4. Same-sex families
    5. Beanpole families
  • What is a characteristic of single-parent families in the UK?
    They are mainly led by women.
  • How do Asian families typically differ from other family types in the UK?
    Asian families tend to stay in extended families and are less likely to be single-parent families.
  • What significant change occurred in 2014 regarding family relationships in the UK?

    Same-sex marriage was legalized.
  • What is a reconstituted family?
    A reconstituted family is where one or both partners have children from previous relationships.
  • What are beanpole families characterized by?
    They are multi-generational families that are long and thin.
  • What is the impact of changing social attitudes on divorce rates?
    There is now less stigma associated with divorce.
  • What is the Divorce Reform Act of 1969?
    It made it easier to obtain a divorce.
  • What do feminists argue about the consequences of divorce?
    Divorce impacts all family members and changes family structures.
  • What is one reason women are more likely to apply for divorce now?
    Women have greater financial independence now.
  • What do postmodernists view divorce as?
    Postmodernists view divorce as a sign of individual freedom and choice.
  • How do the views of the New Right differ from those of feminists regarding divorce?
    The New Right views divorce as harmful to the family, while feminists see it as a consequence of patriarchy.
  • What is the significance of the term "empty shell marriages" in the context of divorce?
    It refers to marriages where one or both partners feel trapped and unfulfilled.
  • What is one of the main criticisms of domestic violence statistics?
    They may not accurately reflect the true number of incidents.
  • What types of domestic violence are recognized?
    Domestic violence can be physical, emotional, and financial.
  • What is a common reason victims do not report domestic violence?
    Fear of not being believed or fear of retaliation.
  • What is the impact of secularization on divorce rates?
    Secularization has led to a decrease in the stigma associated with divorce.
  • What is the relationship between divorce rates and the status of women?

    As women's status improves, divorce rates tend to increase.
  • What do Hochschild and Single-Rushion argue about the consequences of divorce?
    They argue that divorce leads to emotional distress and conflict among adults.
  • How do the views of the New Right and postmodernists on divorce differ?
    The New Right views divorce negatively, while postmodernists see it as a reflection of individual choice.