Flashcards Topic 4

Cards (19)

  • What is the definition of divorce?
    The legal ending of marriage
  • How have divorce rates changed over time?
    Divorce rates have increased
  • What is a common reason people divorce?
    Drunken accidents, cheating, or falling in love with another person
  • What are some reasons for the increase in divorce rates?
    • Legal changes make it easier and quicker to divorce (Divorce Reform Act 1969)
    • Availability of legal aid makes divorce cheaper
    • Changes in social attitudes reduce stigma around divorce
    • Secularization leads to a decline in religious opposition to divorce
    • Changes in women's status allow for greater financial independence
  • What is a criticism of the Divorce Reform Act 1969?

    It is still costly and requires a waiting period
  • How does secularization affect divorce rates?
    It allows people to divorce without religious restrictions
  • Why did women historically hesitate to divorce?
    Due to limited financial independence
  • What is a consequence of divorce on family structure?
    Families are becoming more reconstituted and less nuclear
  • What emotional impact can divorce have on individuals?
    It can lead to relationship breakdown and emotional stress
  • What financial consequence can result from divorce?
    It can lead to financial hardship and risk of poverty
  • What trend is observed regarding remarriage after divorce?
    People tend to remarry after divorce due to less stigma
  • What is Hochschild's belief regarding women's roles in divorce?
    Women do most of the work at home, leaving them less time for emotional support
  • According to Sigle-Rushton, why are working mothers more likely to petition for divorce?
    Because they are financially stable
  • What does Barnard believe about women's satisfaction in relationships?
    There is a growth in women being unsatisfied in patriarchal relationships
  • What is Murray's view on the impact of divorce on society?
    Divorce creates an underclass of welfare-dependent lone parent mothers
  • What do post-modernists believe about divorce?
    Divorce gives individuals more freedom and leads to greater family diversity
  • What is the functionalist perspective on high divorce rates?
    High divorce rates do not threaten marriage and are caused by high expectations
  • What does the high remarriage rate indicate according to functionalists?
    It shows people's commitment to marriage
  • What is a criticism of the functionalist view on divorce?
    It is patriarchal and overlooks men's reasons for divorce