
Cards (46)

  • What is asymmetric encryption?

    An encryption technique where a public key is used to encrypt data and a private key is used to decrypt it.
  • How does asymmetric encryption ensure security?
    It uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption, ensuring only the recipient can decrypt the data.
  • What is dictionary coding?
    A type of lossless compression where text is matched with entries in a dictionary and substituted with unique codes.
  • What is the purpose of hashing?
    To transform data into a hash value for validating credentials without revealing the original data.
  • What is lossless compression?
    A compression algorithm that retains all data in the file without losing any information.
  • How does lossy compression differ from lossless compression?
    Lossy compression removes non-essential data, leading to a decrease in accuracy, while lossless retains all data.
  • What is run-length encoding?
    A type of lossless compression that stores repeated data occurrences as single values with their counts.
  • What is symmetric encryption?
    An encryption technique that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
  • What does atomicity mean in database transactions?
    All transactions should either succeed or fail, never partially processed.
  • Why is consistency important in database transactions?
    Each transaction must obey defined validation rules to maintain referential integrity.
  • What does durability mean in the context of database transactions?
    Once a transaction has begun, it must be completed under all circumstances.
  • What is entity-relationship modeling?
    A method of visually describing data tables and their relationships to reduce redundancy in a relational database.
  • What is first normal form (1NF) in databases?
    A table with no repeating attributes where each record and attribute intersection produces exactly one value.
  • What is a flat file database?
    A database that uses a single table data structure to store all data.
  • What is a foreign key in a relational database?
    A linking attribute that joins two tables by being a primary key in one and a foreign key in the other.
  • What is indexing in databases?
    The process of creating an index of primary keys to retrieve records based on their primary key location.
  • What does isolation mean in database transactions?
    No transaction should overwrite other transactions that are occurring simultaneously.
  • What is normalization in databases?
    The formal process of optimally designing data tables by reducing redundancy and repetition.
  • What is a primary key?

    A unique identifier that identifies each record in a table.
  • What is record locking in databases?
    A technique used to prevent simultaneous access to data by locking a record during editing or updating.
  • What is redundancy in databases?

    The unnecessary repetition of a field in multiple tables.
  • What is referential integrity?
    The idea of keeping a database consistent by ensuring changes are accounted for in all linked tables.
  • What are relational databases?
    A database where separate tables are made for each entity, with relationships represented by foreign keys.
  • What is a secondary key?
    A key that can be used as an alternative index to access or sort records in a table.
  • What is second normal form (2NF)?
    A table in 1NF that has repeating data removed and put into a new table with appropriate relationships.
  • What is third normal form (3NF)?
    A table in 2NF where all attributes not the primary key are fully dependent on the primary key.
  • What is transaction processing?

    The idea of ensuring that any change in the state of a database conforms to ACID rules.
  • What is circuit switching?
    A method for sending data by creating a dedicated communication channel between two nodes.
  • What is a client-server network?
    A type of network where clients connect to one or more central servers that handle service requests.
  • What is the Domain Name System (DNS)?
    A hierarchical naming system that maps domain names to IP addresses.
  • What is encryption?
    The process of converting original data into a form that cannot be understood by unauthorized users.
  • What are firewalls used for?
    To monitor network traffic and prevent unauthorized access between networks.
  • What are Local Area Networks (LANs)?
    A network connecting a group of computing devices in a single geographical area.
  • What is packet switching?

    A method for sending data by breaking it into packets that are sent independently and reassembled at the destination.
  • What is a peer-to-peer network?
    A type of network where computers are connected to each other and share resources without a central server.
  • What is protocol layering?
    A technique that divides a complex system into functional layers and assigns protocols for each layer.
  • What are proxies in networking?
    A server application that intercepts data packets to hide true network addresses and restrict access.
  • What is the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack?
    A suite of networking protocols that allow networked computers to communicate through connected layers.
  • What are Wide Area Networks (WANs)?
    A network connecting computing devices over a large geographical area, typically using third-party carriers.
  • What are Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

    A style language used to define the layout and design of a webpage.