
Cards (46)

  • What is the logical operator AND (∧) used for?

    It returns TRUE (or 1) if and only if all inputs are TRUE (or 1).
  • What does ASCII stand for?
    American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  • What is the binary number system?
    A number system that only uses ones and zeros to represent numbers.
  • What is bitwise manipulation?
    Operations performed on a set of bits.
  • What values can a Boolean data type store?
    One of two possible values: 1 or 0, TRUE or FALSE.
  • What is a character data type used for?
    Storing a letter, number, or special character.
  • What is the denary number system?
    A number system that only uses 10 characters (0 to 9) to represent numbers.
  • What does floating point arithmetic involve?
    Performing arithmetic operations on floating point numbers in binary.
  • What is the hexadecimal number system?
    A number system that only uses 16 characters (0 to 9 and A to F) to represent numbers.
  • What is an integer data type used for?
    Storing whole number values (positive or negative) with no decimal parts.
  • What does the logical operator OR (∨) return?
    TRUE (or 1) if any one of the inputs are TRUE (or 1).
  • What is a primitive data type?
    A basic built-in data type provided by a programming language.
  • What is the real/floating point data type used for?
    Storing numbers with decimal or fractional parts.
  • What are shifts in bitwise manipulation?
    A manipulation where a set of bits are moved by one place in a given direction.
  • What is a string data type used for?
    Storing a sequence of alphanumeric characters or symbols, typically within quotation marks.
  • What is Two’s Complement?
    A method of storing negative numbers in binary by flipping all bits and adding 1.
  • What is UNICODE?

    A character set that is a superset of ASCII used to represent characters as integer code points.
  • What does XOR return?
    TRUE (or 1) if and only if exactly 1 of the inputs are TRUE (or 1).
  • What is an array?
    A data structure for storing a finite, ordered set of data of the same data type within a single identifier.
  • What is a Binary Search Tree?
    A tree where each node cannot have more than 2 children and the right node has a greater value than the root node.
  • What is Breadth First Traversal?
    A method of traversing a graph by visiting all the neighbours of the first node before moving to the next.
  • What is Depth First Traversal?
    A method of traversing a graph by travelling as far as possible along one route before backtracking.
  • What are directed graphs?
    A graph where the order of the vertices paired in an edge matters, and the edges are one way.
  • What is a graph?
    A data structure consisting of a set of vertices/nodes connected by edges/arcs.
  • What is a hash table?
    A data structure where a hashing algorithm calculates a value to determine where a data item is stored.
  • What are linked lists?
    A data structure that stores an ordered sequence of data where each item has a pointer to the next item.
  • What is a list?
    A data structure that stores a sequence of data values, each with a unique index.
  • What is a queue?
    A first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure where the first item added is the first to be removed.
  • What is a record?
    A data structure that stores data in elements called fields, organized based on attributes.
  • What is a stack?
    A last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure where the last item added is the first to be removed.
  • What is a tree in data structures?
    A data structure that uses linked nodes to form a hierarchical structure starting at a root node.
  • What is a tuple?
    A data structure for storing an immutable, ordered set of data, which can be of different data types.
  • What are undirected graphs?

    A graph where the order of the vertices paired in an edge does not matter, and the edges are bidirectional.
  • What are the Association Laws in Boolean algebra?
    A ∧ (B∧C) = (A∧B) ∧ C and A ∨ (B∨C) = (A∨B) ∨ C.
  • What are Boolean expressions?
    A combination of boolean variables and logical operators which evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE.
  • What is Boolean logic?
    A type of algebra with logical operators where all values and expressions ultimately reduce to TRUE or FALSE.
  • What are the Commutation Laws in Boolean algebra?
    A∧B = B∧A and A∨B = B∨A.
  • What is De Morgan’s First Law?

    ¬(A∨B) = ¬A ∧¬B.
  • What is De Morgan’s Second Law?

    ¬(A∧B) = ¬A ∨¬B.
  • What are the Distribution Laws in Boolean algebra?
    A∧(B∨C) = (A∧B) ∨ (A∧C) and (A∨B) ∧ (C∨D) = (A∧C) (A∧D) (B∧C) (B∧D).