Von Neuman & Harvard

Cards (16)

  • What architectures are discussed in the video?
    Von Neumann, Harvard, and contemporary processor architectures
  • What is the main characteristic of the classic von Neumann architecture?
    It uses a shared memory space for both instructions and data
  • How does the fetch-execute cycle work in the von Neumann architecture?
    A single control unit follows a linear fetch to code execute cycle, processing one instruction at a time
  • What is the purpose of registers in the von Neumann architecture?
    Registers are used for fast access to instructions and data
  • How does Harvard architecture differ from von Neumann architecture?
    Harvard architecture stores instructions and data in separate memory units
  • What is a characteristic of RISC processors in relation to Harvard architecture?
    RISC processors typically utilize Harvard architecture
  • When did the von Neumann and Harvard architectures originate?
    In the 1940s
  • What are contemporary architectures?
    Contemporary architectures are modern machine architectures that differ from older architectures like von Neumann and Harvard
  • What type of questions might be asked about contemporary architectures in an exam?
    Open questions about how modern architectures differ from pure von Neumann architecture
  • What does SIMD stand for?
    Single Instruction, Multiple Data
  • How does SIMD processing work?
    It allows the processor to carry out a single instruction on multiple data items simultaneously
  • What type of processors typically use SIMD?
    Graphic processors
  • What does MIMD stand for?
    Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data
  • How does MIMD processing work?
    It allows multiple instructions to be carried out on multiple data items across several different cores
  • What is distributed computing?
    It involves multiple separate computers working on a shared network to tackle parts of a larger problem
  • Can distributed computing be done on a larger scale, such as over the internet?
    Yes, it can be done on a much grander scale over the internet