Case law meets shortfalls of statute. GBH developed to include biological harm (Dica) and psychological harm (Burstow).
s20 Strengths
Actus reus of GBH recognises the age and health of the victim (Bollom).
s20 Weakness
No statutory definition for 'grievous' 'bodily' harm - set out in case law which could lead to inconsistent outcomes.
s20 Weakness
Language old fashioned - 'maliciously' not defined.
s20 Weakness
Actus reus issue. 'Inflict' in s20 and 'cause' in s18 but Burstow ruled they have the same meaning.
s20 Weakness
Sentencing issues. Little difference between s18/20 but huge disparity in maximum sentence. 5 years for s20 but up to life for s18.
s20 Weakness
Wounding not defined. Can a person be charged of pricking the victims finger with a pin?
s20 Weakness
Does not conform to 'correspondence principle' as can be guilty of s20 without intending or being reckless as to causing serious harm (Parmenter).
s20 Reforms
1998 draft bill in Home Office Consultation Document. Set out 4 main offences - Clause 2 created offence of reckless serious injury to replace s20.
s20 Reforms
Law Commission 2015 supports other reform. D guilty if he recklessly causes serious injury (higher level of mens rea than current law, has to be risk of serious injury).
s20 Reforms
Max sentence of 7 years, 2 years more than current.