2) Diversity in the workplace

Cards (9)

  • The meaning of diversity in the workplace
    • Diversity means that people are different in terms of races, gender, age, culture, religion and background.
    • The workplace consists of diverse backgrounds, this requires businesses to develop ways to deal with each diversity issue in the workplace.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    • They should offer subsidised meals or canteen facilities on the premises for their employees.
    • Some unemployed people from local communities must be trained as part of business's CSI projects.
    • Businesses must ensure that prices of products are affordable for their identified consumer market.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    • There should be no discrimination in the workplace based on skin colour.
    • Businesses should comply with the EEA and BBBEE Act when appointing people.
    • Businesses must implement affirmative action policies as required by EEA and other laws.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    Religion/ Culture
    • Nobody must be forced to do work that could be against their religion.
    • Everyone has the right to have their culture and religion acknowledged and respected.
    • There should be no discrimination against employees on the grounds of their cultural background.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    • The business should offer equal employment opportunities to males and females.
    • Both men and women should have the opportunity to be promoted to managerial positions.
    • New appointments should be based on skills and ability, despite gender of the person.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    • The business must provide training to the employees in official language of business.
    • If necessary, the business must employ an interpreter to enable everyone to understand what is being said in a meeting.
    • Businesses have the privilege to specify that all communications should be in one specific language only and can expect employees to have certain level of fluency in that language.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    • The BCEA prohibits employment of persons aged 15 or younger.
    • The business must except young employees to respect and learn from older employees.
    • The business must implement promotions based on specific set of skills rather than being linked to age.
  • Ways in which the business can deal with diversity issues
    Disability/ Physically challenged/ People living with a disability
    • Businesses should be well-informed on how to deal with disabled employees.
    • Businesses should employ people who are physically challenged in jobs that they can handle.
    • Businesses must create an organisational culture or climate that is conducive for people with disabilities.
  • Benefits of diversity in the workplace
    • A diverse workplace can improve morale and motivation of employees.
    • Diversity in business is more likely to contribute to good public image and attract more customers.
    • When people feel respected, accepted and understood, they demonstrate greater loyalty towards the business.