Term 3
1) Human right, inclusivity and environment protection
3) Environmental issues
Created by
caleb coughlan
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Cards (4)
Environmental issues
Business consider impact of their operations on environment and ensure their actions do not harm their employees and pollute the environment.
The responsibility of the employer, health and safety representatives, employees and the business to promote human health and safety in workplace.
Responsibilities of employers in promoting human health and safety in the workplace
Must provide personal protective clothing to workers and reduce or remove dangers in workplace.
Must provide and maintain equipment that is safe for employees to use in order to perform their work.
Business must ensure workers make use of equipment only under supervision of designated trained worker.
Roles of health and safety representatives in protecting the workplace environment
The following aspects form part of the roles of health and safety representatives:
Promote and review safety in the workplace.
They must identify potential dangers in the workplace, for example, loose railing of staircase.
They must liaise with management to check and monitor effectiveness of health and safety measures.
Responsibilities of workers/ employees in promoting health and safety in the workplace
The responsibilities of employees regarding health and safety are as follow:
Workers must be aware that they should take care of their health and safety in workplace.
If aware of any illness that may affect ability to work, must inform their employer timeously.
Accidents must be reported to the relevant authorities immediately and the prescribed paperwork must be completed.