Protein structure

Cards (5)

  • Amino acid
    . NH2-CHR-COOH
    . NH2 Amine group
    . COOH Carboxylic group
  • Primary structure(1)

    . Polymers of the the amino acid monomer
    . Condensation reaction forms 'peptide' bond
    The name of the peptide depends on how many amino acids there are, 2 amino acids = Di peptide chain 
  • Secondary structure(2)

    . A long sequence of amino acids causes it to bend into 'Alpha helix' or 'Beta pleated sheets'
    . Held together by Hydrogen bonds formed from C=O and one H
  • Tertiary structure (3)
    . Unique 3D structure
    . Ionic + Hydrogen bonds and disulphide bridges
    . Must contain sulfur in the amino acid's R group to form disulphide bridges (S---S)
  • Quarternary structure(4)

    . A protein made up of multiple polypeptide chains
    . Haemoglobin is mad euo of 4 poly peptide chains