Chapter 23

Cards (8)

  • Ecosystem
    all of the biotic and abiotic factors in an area and their interactions
  • Biotic factors affecting ecosystems
    • competition
    • animals compete for food, territory & breeding partners
  • Abiotic factors affecting ecosystems

    • light - affects rate of photosynthesis
    • temperature - affects enzyme activity/ can trigger migration/ hibernation/ can trigger leaf-fall, dormancy & flowering
    • water availability - lack of water = stress = death/ cause plants to wilt
    • oxygen availability - in aquatic ecosystems need fast-flowing cold water as contains high concentrations of oxygen - water too warm or slow flow rate = drop in oxygen. Waterlogged soil = reduced oxygen
    • edaphic (soil) factors - diff soil types have diff particle sizes - effects organisms that are able to survive in them
  • How are the boundaries of a particular ecosystem defined?

    • by person carrying out study
    • individual habitats may be studied - e.g a rock pool or a large oak tree
    • or small areas of land - e.g., a playing field or a particular stretch of a river
  • Trophic level
    a stage in a food chain
  • Stages in food chain
    producer -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer -> quarternary consumer
  • What is biomass?
    the mass of living material present in a particular place or in particular organisms
  • 2 ways to measure biomass
    • using fresh mass
    • using dry mass