Psychology attachment

    Cards (57)

    • What is attachment in the context of caregiver-child relationships?
      It is an emotional bond between caregiver and child.
    • What are the three behaviors associated with attachment?
      Seeking proximity, distress on separation, joy on reunion.
    • What is reciprocity in attachment?
      It is the mutual exchange of responses between caregiver and infant.
    • Who investigated reciprocity and when?
      Brazelton in 1975.
    • What were the findings of Brazelton's research on reciprocity?
      Infants engage in reciprocal interactions with caregivers.
    • What is interactional synchrony?
      It is the coordinated timing of caregiver-infant behaviors.
    • Who investigated interactional synchrony and when?
      Meltzoff and Moore in 1977.
    • What evidence supports interactional synchrony?
      Adult imitation elicits infant imitation.
    • What is a limitation of the research on interactional synchrony?
      There may be cultural differences in synchrony.
    • What is another limitation of the research on interactional synchrony?
      Observer bias and subjective interpretation may affect results.
    • What is a third limitation of the research on interactional synchrony?
      Not all behaviors are synchronized between caregiver and infant.
    • Who suggested and conducted research into the stages of attachment?
      John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth.
    • What is the third stage of attachment?
      Formation of specific attachments.
    • What is the first stage of attachment?
      Stranger anxiety and seeking caregiver.
    • What is the fourth stage of attachment?
      Attachment to primary caregiver.
    • What is the second stage of attachment?
      Attachment to human figures.
    • How many babies were used in the study of attachment stages, and how many were males and females?
      100 infants, 50 males and 50 females.
    • What are the phases of the Strange Situation test?
      Strange situation test phases include secure, insecure-avoidant, and insecure-resistant attachments.
    • What is a limitation of the findings from the stages of attachment research?
      There is cultural bias in the assessment of attachment.
    • What is another limitation of the findings from the stages of attachment research?
      There are ethical concerns regarding distress to infants during the study.
    • What is a third limitation of the findings from the stages of attachment research?
      There is limited generalizability due to cultural variations.
    • Who conducted research into imprinting and when?
      Lorenz in 1935.
    • What was the procedure of Lorenz's research on imprinting?
      Presented goslings with moving objects.
    • What were the findings of Lorenz's research on imprinting?
      Goslings imprinted on moving objects.
    • What are the conclusions of Lorenz's research on imprinting?
      Imprinting occurs in a critical period.
    • Who conducted research into the importance of contact comfort and when?
      Harlow in 1958.
    • What was the procedure of Harlow's research into contact comfort?
      Infant monkeys were given a choice between a cloth mother and a wire mother.
    • What were the findings of Harlow's research on contact comfort?
      Infant monkeys chose the cloth mother over the wire mother.
    • What are the conclusions of Harlow's research on contact comfort?
      Contact comfort is crucial for attachment.
    • What is a limitation of the imprinting theory?
      It has limited generalizability to humans.
    • What is another limitation of the imprinting theory?
      There are ethical concerns over animal research.
    • What is a third limitation of the imprinting theory?
      Human relationships are more complex than those observed in animals.
    • Who conducted research into primary attachments and when?
      Grossmann and Grossmann in 1991.
    • In what percentage of cases was the father the sole attachment figure?
    • In what percentage of cases was the father a joint first attachment object with the mother?
    • When was attachment between fathers and babies eventually formed by?
      By 18 months.
    • What percentage of cases supports the formation of attachment between fathers and babies by 18 months?
    • Who carried out a study of the father’s distinctive role and when?
      Lamb in 1981.
    • What type of study was Lamb's research?
    • What were the findings of Lamb's research on the father's distinctive role?
      Fathers' unique contribution to attachment was recognized.
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