
Cards (11)

  • Earlier waves of immigration at the start of 20th century
    'Open door' policy
    Statue of Liberty poem welcomed immigrants
    1882 South Eastern immigrants numbered 13% then increased to 81% by 1907
    Fears spread due to cultural differences spreading
  • Effect of immigration in 1920s
    Creation of ethnic enclaves in urban areas
    Competition over jobs, housing and facilities of all kinds
    Number of people with a foreign born parent rose from 74% to 85% between 1910 - 1920
    36% of NYC population were foreign born in 1920
  • To what extent did immigration change urban life 1919-41
    Immigrants settled in large numbers in towns/cities with people from their own origins
    1,300 foreign language newspapers in 1914
    'Little Italy' and 'China Town'
  • Why was America called a melting pot?
    Idea that everyone becomes American over time but held onto diverse heritages of their own
  • Bottom of the heap
    Newly arrived immigrants had worst jobs, lowest wages and worst living conditions.
  • WWII impacts on immigrants
    120,000 Japanese interned in concentration camps
    Anti Japanese, Italian and German sentiments common throughout war era.
    Discrimination and hostility
  • Explain how attitudes to immigration changed
    In post war era, more humanitarian focusing on refugees
    However, quotas were maintained until they were abolished in 1965 immigration Act
    Cuban Adjustment Act 1966 targets Cuban refugees and later Vietnam
  • Views on illegal immigration
    Largest number from Mexico
    60,000 a year in 1970s
    Illegal immigration common to support agriculture in South West
    Operation Wetback deported illegal immigrants 1950s
    Bracero Programme encouraged legal Mexican immigration to support worker shortages
  • To what extent did attitudes to immigration change
    Shifted with Gov policy (republicans vs democrats)
    Immigrants were blamed when economy was bad
    From 1980s onwards there was a desire to control immigration due to bad stereotypes
  • What was the outcome of Dillingham Commission
    1911 report stated that immigration posed a serious threat to society and culture
    Range from S/E Europe classified as racially inferior
  • Important Acts
    • 1917 Immigration Act = Undesirables highlighted
    • 1921 Emergency Quota Act = Restricts immigrant numbers to 3%
    • 1924 National Origins Act + Johnson Reed Act = Reduces number to 2%
    • 1929 National Origins Formula = Bans Asian immigration and up