2) Sole Trader | Partnership | Close corporation

Cards (24)

  • Characteristics of a sole trader
    • This is the simplest and oldest form of ownership.
    • The business is owned and managed by one person only.
    • Profit is added to the rest of the owner's taxable income.
  • Impact of sole traders
    • It requires little capital to start.
    • It is easy to start or end the business.
    • There are only a few legal formalities.
  • Impact of sole traders
    • The owner is responsible for providing all the capital needed.
    • The business is not a legal entity and has no continuity.
    • The owner is personally liable for all the debts and losses of the business.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a sole trader
    • The owner is only taxed on profits in a personal capacity.
    • The owner's income is taxed at a lower rate than the company tax rate.
    • If profits get too large, the owners may end up paying a bigger amount of tax in his/ her personal capacity.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a sole trader
    • One owner can make quick decisions because he/ she does not have to consult others and there are no conflict.
    • The owner has to do all the administration, management and decision-making in the business.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a sole trader
    • Capital will be carefully spent and managed because owners contribute all capital.
    • Profits may not be large enough for expansion.
    • The owner is responsible for any capital borrowed.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a sole trader
    Division of profits
    • The owner receives all profits from the business which can lead to capital growth.
    • Profits may not cover all business debts, which might hinder the expansion of the business.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a sole trader
    • It is easy/ inexpensive to start
    • There are limited regulatory requirements regarding the name of the business.
    • The owner is personally liable for the loss of the business and must budget carefully.
    • Personal debts and business debts are one.
  • Characteristics of a partnership
    • Profit is shared according to the partnership agreement.
    • It is optional to audit the financial statements of a partnership.
    • There are no legal requirements regarding the name of the business.
  • Impact of partnership
    • The partners have a personal interest in the business.
    • There are a few legal requirements to establish a partnership.
    • Partnerships are not compelled by law to do audits.
  • Impact of partnership
    • There can be a lack of capital and cash flow.
    • Partners might not all contribute money and assets equally.
    • Partners have unlimited liability which means they can lose personal assets.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a partnership
    • The partnership does not pay income tax, only the partners in their personal capacities.
    • High-earning partners pay more tax, which may discourage other partners from join the partnership.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a partnership
    • Partners are actively involved in the management and may use the ideas of other partners.
    • Not all partners need to be actively involved in the management and could appoint competent managers.
    • Decision-making can be time-consuming as all partners have to agree.
    • Irresponsible acts of one partner can place the entire partnership at risk.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a partnership
    • More capital can be obtained because more than one partner contributes to capital.
    • Unequal inputs as some partners put in expertise instead of cash.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a partnership
    Division of profits
    • Partners share profits according to their contributes which will encourage hard work and commitment from them.
    • The amount of work done may not be equal to the amount of profit that each partner receives which could lead to dissatisfaction.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a partnership
    • Easy and cheap to establish, as partners must draw up a partnership agreement.
    • No regulatory requirements regarding the name of the business.
    • If one partner dies or retires, the remaining partners need to draw up a new agreement.
    • A partnership is not a legal entity, partners can sue or be sued.
  • Characteristics of a close corporation
    • A CC pays tax on income earned by the business.
    • The name of the business must end with the suffix CC.
    • Profits are shared in proportion to the member's interest in the CC.
  • Impact of close corporations
    • A CC is a legal entity and has continuity of existence.
    • The members of the CC have limited liability.
    • There are very few legal requirements like auditing or regular annual general meetings.
  • Impact of close corporations
    • A CC is taxed the same rate as companies and it is higher than personal income tax.
    • Disagreement between members can lead to conflict and delay decisions.
    • A CC has limited growth and expansion because a CC cannot have more than ten members.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a close corporation
    • The CC pays income tax on the profit.
    • Profit is distributed to members and they pay personal tax on that.
    • CC pays tax at the same rate ad companies, which is higher than the rate for a partnership.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a close corporation
    • Members put their skills and expertise together to manage the CC.
    • Members can disagree and may have conflict, which will delay decisions.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a close corporation
    • Members are responsible for the success and they will be careful with spending and management of capital.
    • If one members leave the CC his/ her capital must be paid out.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a close corporation
    Division of profits
    • Members will work harder to earn more profit.
    • During difficult economic times, profit will decrease and result in loss of faith in the CC by the members.
  • Criteria that contribute to the success and/ or failure of a close corporation
    • New CCs can no longer be formed, however existing CCs can continue operating for ten years.
    • An accounting officer must be appointed and it can be expensive.