God's Revelation Through His Words in Scripture

Cards (33)

  • Latin Vulgate - translation of the Roman Bible to latin
  • Heresy - A belief that is contrary to the teachings of the Church.
  • The Bible - a collection of books or a library rather than a single literary composition
  • The Bible was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
  • Stages in the Development of the Bible
    • Saving Events/Experiences
    • Oral Tradition
    • Written Tradition
    • Edited Tradition
    • Canonical Tradition
  • Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible or Pentateud
  • Saving Events/Experiences
    - stories of God saving the people
    - happened within the community
    - events which God revealed Himself to his people and invited them to enter into a covenant with Him
  • Oral Tradition
    - the memory and meaning of the saving events were transmitted from one generation to another through story-telling, poems, songs, and rituals
  • Written Tradition
    - parts of the oral tradition were written down in variety of ways
    - continued side by side with oral tradition
  • Psalm - a book in the Bible wrote by David
  • Parable of Sower - The seed represents the Word of God, the sower represents the preacher, the soil represents the heart of the listener, and the birds represent the devil.
  • Edited Tradition
    - gathering together pieces of the oral and written tradition and formulating them in such a way that they spoke to the lives of the people
  • Canonical Tradition
    - The process by which some sacred writings became a book of the Bible, while some did not.
  • Old Testament
    - tells us about God’s relationship with Israel before the time of Christ
  • The old testament contains 46 books written from the tenth century BC to the second century BC.
  • New Testament
    - describes the new relationship that God has began with all people through Jesus when he lived on earth
    - also describes the establishment of the Church
  • The New Testament contains 27 books written between 40 AD and 110 AD.
  • Jesus - ultimate expression/fulfillment of God's love
  • Books of Revelation - wrote by John the Beloved
  • Anno Domini - "A.D."; year of the Lord
  • 32 AD - 33 AD - death of Christ
  • 40 AD - started the making of Bible
  • Saul - apostle of the Gentiles
  • 4 Writers of the Gospel
    • Mark - disciple of Peter
    • Matthew - disciple of Peter
    • Luke - disciple of Paul
    • John - only apostle among the four; witnessed Jesus
  • Matthias and Barnabas - chosen people to replace Judas, in the end, Matthias was to replace Judas' place among the twelve apostles
  • Catholic Bible has 46 books in Old Testament and 27 in New Testament, total of 73 books. While, in the non-Catholic Bible, the OT has 39 books and 27 books in NT, total of 66 books.
  • Deuterocanonical Books - Means “second canon” because there was a certain reluctance by the church to admit these books into the canon of the Scripture.
  • "ta biblia" - Greek word of the Bible
  • the books - the meaning of ta biblia
  • "biblia" - the Bible was later translated to Latin means "book"
  • Canon - The official and authoritative list of divinely inspired writings
  • Books of the Bible: Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Books, Prophetic Books, Gospel + Acts, Epistles
  • Pauline letters - wrote by Paul