On average, every Australian buys 56 items of clothing yearly.
Year on year, the price of clothing continues to drastically decrease, while the negative impacts on the environment as a result of this fashion increases.
According to GreenPeace, the average person buys 60% more clothing and keeps them for about half as long as a year ago.
Each Australian disposes an average 23 kilograms of clothing to landfill each year, with not systematic resources for the collection of such.
The average person only wears 40% of their clothes.
Of the clothes that go to charity, it is estimated that only 15% are resold, with the rest being sent to landfill or overseas and developing nations.
Further, landfill means that materials can take up to hundreds of years to break down, releasing methane and microplastics into the soil and eventually water streams.
The fashion industry is responsible for an estimated 10% of global CO2 emissions.