Cards (26)

  • Big Bang Theory
    A theory that states that the universe began to expand with the explosion of concentrated matter and energy
  • After the “Big Bang”
    The force of gravity began to affect the matter shooting outward in every direction
  • Gravity began to pull matter
    Into clumps
  • Gravity
    A force of attraction between objects
  • These clumps formed huge clusters which became galaxies of the universe
  • The galaxies are moving away from the center of the universe
  • The explosion took place

    About 14 billion years ago
  • Open Universe
    Saddle shaped; galaxies will continue racing outward and the universe will continue to expand until all stars die off; leads to total emptiness
  • Closed Universe
    Sphere shaped; the expansion of the universe will finally come to a halt; gravity will pull the galaxies back toward the center of the universe; leads to a Big Crunch followed by another big bang
  • Our book states that the universe is a closed universe
  • They believe that a big bang may occur once every 80 to 100 billion years
  • Most of the universe is empty space: a vacuum which is defined as a volume containing no particles, force fields, nor waves
  • By definition a vacuum has no energy
  • The law of conservation of energy demands that energy cannot be created nor destroyed
  • The universe has too many large structures to be created in 10-20 billion years
  • It would take about 100 billion years for these structures to form (Condradiction 2).
  • St. Augustine: '“Ex nihilo” is a Latin term that translated means “out of nothing.”'
  • Ex nihilo
    An idea presented by St. Augustine that became Church doctrine; a philosophical explanation of how God created everything out of nothing
  • Scientists now believe in a new theory according to Albert Einstein, the universe is a space-time continuum
  • Forms of the universe
    • Closed (looks like a sphere)
    • Open universe (looks like a saddle)
    • Flat universe
  • Closed universe
    Travel far enough and you always come back to the starting point; the universe will slow down, stop, then reverse direction causing a new Big Bang
  • Open universe
    Galaxies continue to expand forever; most scientists agreed that this theory was correct up until this summer
  • Flat universe
    When traveling in a straight line you will never return to your starting point; the universe will expand forever, but more slowly all the time
  • Contradiction to the Big
    Bang Theory:
    • Too much energy
    • Too complex, too early
    • “Ex nihilo”