said inductive reasoning builds generalisation from lack of justification. they need to falsify their claims
what does Thomas Kuhn say?
sociology is young science
science went through a ‘paradigm’ shift and scientific revolution before it got to where it is today. They first built on wrong information which was then discovered differently. Sociology will be the same
why does Popper say sociology can’t be scientific?
some concepts couldn’t be proved wrong, can only be a science if hypothesis’ can be falsified
what did Weber believe?
sociology isnt a science.
should study society from perspective of other people to understand how and why things happen
Verstehen requires subjective understanding to draw opinions.
science is strongly objective and doesn’t allow opinion to influence research so sociology cannot be a science
What is an open scientific system?
where the researcher cannot control and accurately measure every variable
what is a closed scientific system?
when the researcher can control all variables and form accurate hypotheses that can be reliably tested
what did Keat and Urry say?
science studies things that are unobservable just like interactionists study unobservable meanings. both study underlying processes that we know are there because of their effects. Popper is wrong to assume that all science is a closed system that is controllable