Tactic/Kinetic Responses

Cards (8)

  • Give an example of a simple, mobile organism?
  • What do simple mobile organisms have?
    Simple responses to keep them in a favourable environment
    Their response can either be TACTIC or KINETIC
  • Tactic responses are called?
  • Describe taxes?
    The organisms move towards towards or away from a directional stimulus eg light
  • Describe kineses ?
    The organisms' movement is affected by a non-directional stimulus eg humidity
  • kinetic responses are called?
  • Example of a woodlice taxes?
    Woodlice show a tactic response to light (phototaxis)- they move AWAY FROM A LIGHT SOURCE
    • helps them survive as it keeps them concealed under stones during the day (where they're safe from predators) and keeps them in damp conditions (reduces water loss)
  • Example of a Woodlice kinetic response/kineses?
    Woodlice show a kinetic response to humidity
    High humidity- move slowly and turn less often, so that they stay where they are. As air gets drier, move faster & turn more often- so that they move into a new area
    • this response increases the chance that a woodlouse will move to an area with higher humidity
    • this improves the survival chances of the organism- reduces their water loss and helps keep them concealed