Reaction time

Cards (4)

  • What is a reaction time? The time taken to respond to changes in the environment
  • Describe how you would investigate how practice affect reaction times in humans ā— Work in partners. One partner places the forearm of their non-dominant hand on the table, with their hand hanging off the edge. ā— One partner should hold the ruler between the fingers of the other partner at the 0 mark. ā— The partner holding the ruler drops it without any warning, and the other partner should catch the ruler as quickly as possible. ā— Record the number level after the ruler has been caught - repeat at least 5 times per person. ā— Find reaction times using a conversion table.
  • What other factors could you investigate in this experiment? The effect of caffeine or exercise on reaction times
  • What safety precautions should be taken during this experiment? Avoid injury from falling ruler