Input, Output and Storage devices

Cards (13)

  • What is the purpose of an input device?
    To pass information from the outside world into a computer system
  • Name three typical input devices.
    A mouse, a keyboard, and a microphone
  • What is an output device?
    A device that takes data stored in digital form and converts it into another format that humans can process
  • Give two examples of output devices.
    A visual display unit and a printer
  • What is a storage device?
    A device used for either temporary or permanent storage of data
  • Name three examples of internal storage devices.
    Main memory (RAM), a solid state hard drive, and a magnetic hard drive
  • What are some typical examples of external storage devices?
    An optical disk, a USB pen, and an external hard drive
  • Why might a gaming controller be considered both an input and output device?
    It translates button presses into digital signals (input) and provides audio feedback and vibration (output)
  • What is meant by an embedded system in the context of a gaming controller?
    A system that has its own processor to process data before sending it to the console
  • What should you do if asked about the classification of a device in an exam?
    Justify your answer based on its functions
  • What are the typical input, output, and storage devices used in a cash point system?
    • Input devices:
    • Card reader
    • Keypad
    • Security camera
    • Output devices:
    • Monitor/display
    • Printer (for receipts)
    • Speaker (for audio feedback)
    • Actuator/motor (for cash delivery)
    • Storage devices:
    • Internal secondary storage
    • Main memory
  • How can input, output, and storage devices be applied in a cash point system?
    They gather input, provide output, and store data necessary for transactions
  • What is the key question to consider after watching the video on input, output, and storage devices?
    How are input, output, and storage devices used in typical applications of computer science?