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  • What is the term for the fertilization and development of one or more offspring in a woman's uterus?
  • What is the term used for a woman who has never been pregnant?
  • What does the term "primi gravida" refer to?

    A woman who is pregnant for the first time
  • What does "multigravida" mean?

    A woman who has had multiple pregnancies
  • What is the significance of monitoring blood pressure during pregnancy?
    To detect any significant changes during gestation
  • What happens to blood pressure during the first trimester of pregnancy?
    There is a slight drop, which returns to normal by the third trimester
  • What is a common physical change in hair during pregnancy?
    Hair tends to grow faster
  • What does pale conjunctiva indicate during a physical exam?

    It indicates anemia
  • What is a sign of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) related to the eyes?
    Edema of the eyelids accompanied by visual disturbance
  • What is a common nasal symptom during pregnancy?
    Nasal congestion
  • How does nasal congestion affect pregnant women?
    It may affect their hearing due to blockage of the eustachian tube
  • What is a normal finding in the mouth and teeth during pregnancy?
    Swollen gums
  • What is the expected change in pulse rate during pregnancy?
    The pulse rate increases by about 10 beats per minute
  • What is a normal respiratory change during pregnancy?
    Increased depth of breathing with no significant change in rate
  • What is a common temperature change in early pregnancy?
    Slight elevation due to the thermogenic effect of progesterone
  • What causes cracked corners of the mouth in pregnant women?
    Vitamin deficiency
  • Why should dental carries be treated during pregnancy?
    They may become sites of infection
  • When should major dental operations be postponed during pregnancy?
    Until the postpartum period
  • What is a common finding in the neck during pregnancy?
    Slight thyroid enlargement
  • What is a normal breast change during pregnancy?
    Enlarged breasts and darker areolas
  • What is colostrum and when can it be extracted?

    A thin watery fluid that can be extracted from nipples at 12-14 weeks
  • What are common skin changes during pregnancy?
    Linea nigra, chloasma, spider nevi, and palmar erythema
  • What are abnormal skin findings during pregnancy?
    Pallor, jaundice, rashes, and skin lesions
  • What is a common change in the vagina during pregnancy?
    Color change from pink to bluish due to increased blood supply
  • What is a common discharge change during pregnancy?
    From thick and sticky to thin and watery
  • What is a common issue in the rectum during the last month of pregnancy?
  • What is the schedule for prenatal check-ups during pregnancy?
    1st visit at 0-2 weeks, then every 4 weeks, every 2 weeks at 32-34 weeks, and weekly until delivery
  • When can fetal heart rate (FHR) be heard during pregnancy?
    Between 16-19 weeks
  • What is the significance of auscultation in fetal assessment?
    FHR can be audible with auscultation at about 20 weeks in primigravida
  • What is the purpose of closed gloving in sterile procedures?
    To maintain sterility and prevent contamination
  • What are the classifications of obstetrical terms?
    • Gravida: All pregnancies regardless of duration or outcome
    • Parity: Past pregnancies resulting in viable fetuses (20-24 weeks)
    • Term births: 32 weeks and beyond
    • Premature births: Before 32 weeks
    • Abortion: Spontaneous or induced
  • What are the common minor discomforts experienced during pregnancy?
    1. Nausea and vomiting
    2. Frequent urination
    3. Fatigue
    4. Breast tenderness and nipple irritation
    5. Leg cramps
    6. Heartburn or pyrosis
    7. Varicose veins
  • What are the recommended management strategies for common minor discomforts during pregnancy?
    • Nausea: Eat small, frequent meals
    • Frequent urination: Limit fluid intake by bedtime
    • Fatigue: Get adequate sleep and rest
    • Breast tenderness: Wash with water only and wear a supportive bra
    • Leg cramps: Push upwards while applying pressure on the knee
    • Heartburn: Eat small meals and avoid bending at the waist
    • Varicose veins: Rest with elevated legs and avoid prolonged sitting
  • What laboratory tests are commonly performed during pregnancy?
    1. Complete blood count (CBC) to detect anemia
    2. Urinalysis to rule out infection
    3. Blood type and Rh factor
    4. VDRL for maternal syphilis
    5. HIV screening for high-risk groups
    6. Hepatitis B antigen testing
    7. Rubella antibody testing
  • What are the common physical assessment findings during pregnancy?
    • Vital signs: Increased pulse rate, slight elevation in temperature
    • Head and scalp: Faster hair growth
    • Eyes: Pale conjunctiva indicating anemia
    • Nose: Nasal congestion
    • Mouth: Swollen gums
    • Neck: Slight thyroid enlargement
    • Breasts: Enlarged and darker areolas
    • Skin: Linea nigra and other pigmentation changes
    • Extremities: Ankle swelling and leg edema
  • Rubella antibody titer
    Determines a woman’s degree of protection against german measles
  • Normal Hgb
    12-16 mg/dl
  • normal hct
  • Mild anemia
    11 mg/dl (hct: 27-33%)
  • Sever anemia
    < 9 mg/dl (hct: <27%)