
Cards (18)

  • What is the purpose of scheduling in multitasking operating systems?
    To manage which processes to execute next and the length of time each process can execute
  • How do multitasking operating systems give the appearance of multiple tasks executing simultaneously?
    By managing multiple threads that may need to be executed at once
  • In a multi-user environment, what is required for seamless servicing of multiple users?
    Operating systems need a scheduler
  • What is the ready queue in process scheduling?
    A queue where processes wait to be executed by the CPU
  • How does the First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm work?

    Processes are executed strictly in the order they arrive
  • What is a drawback of the First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm?
    Long processes can cause others to wait unnecessarily
  • How does the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm operate?
    It picks the process that takes the shortest amount of time to execute
  • What is the time slice in a Round Robin scheduling algorithm?
    A fixed amount of time allocated to each process
  • What happens to a process in Round Robin scheduling if it is not complete by the end of its time slice?
    It returns to the back of the ready queue
  • What is the difference between Shortest Job First and Shortest Remaining Time scheduling algorithms?
    Shortest Remaining Time is preemptive, allowing a process to be suspended if a higher priority process arrives
  • What is the purpose of Multi-Level Feedback Queues in scheduling?
    To separate processes into multiple queues based on their need for the processor
  • How does a process get promoted or demoted in a Multi-Level Feedback Queue?
    Processes are moved based on their CPU time usage and input/output needs
  • What are the five scheduling algorithms to be aware of for the exam?
    • First Come First Serve (FCFS)
    • Shortest Job First (SJF)
    • Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)
    • Round Robin (RR)
    • Multi-Level Feedback Queues (MLFQ)
  • What are the key characteristics of the First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm?
    • Processes are executed in the order they arrive
    • No preemption occurs
    • Can lead to long wait times for shorter processes
  • What are the key characteristics of the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm?
    • Executes the process with the shortest execution time first
    • Non-preemptive
    • Requires knowledge of process durations
  • What are the key characteristics of the Round Robin scheduling algorithm?
    • Each process is given a fixed time slice
    • Preemptive
    • Fairly distributes CPU time among processes
  • What are the key characteristics of the Shortest Remaining Time scheduling algorithm?
    • Preemptive version of Shortest Job First
    • Allows a process to be suspended if a higher priority process arrives
    • Requires knowledge of remaining process durations
  • What are the key characteristics of Multi-Level Feedback Queues?

    • Separates processes into multiple queues based on CPU and I/O needs
    • Allows processes to be promoted or demoted between queues
    • Can use different scheduling algorithms for different queues