Virtual Machines

Cards (10)

  • What is a virtual machine?
    A virtual machine is a program that has the same functionality as a physical computer.
  • How do emulators function in relation to virtual machines?
    Emulators trick a program into thinking it is running on its native hardware while it is actually running on a different machine.
  • Can arcade games from the 1980s be played on today's hardware? How?
    Yes, they can be emulated on today's hardware.
  • What is the significance of the code being executed exactly as it was originally in emulation?
    This means that the programs themselves are completely unaware they are being emulated.
  • How can emulation be used in game development?
    Emulation allows developers to create a game on a PC and test it on other devices like consoles or smartphones before release.
  • What are the advantages of using virtual servers over physical servers?
    • Supports a large number of virtual servers on fewer physical servers
    • Allows for load balancing across physical devices
    • If one server fails, others can take over without user awareness
  • What happens when demand on the network increases in a virtual server environment?
    Additional servers can be spun up and the load balanced across different physical devices.
  • What is the role of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?
    The JVM translates intermediate code into specific machine code for the target device.
  • What is intermediate code in the context of Java programming?
    Intermediate code is a kind of halfway house known as bytecode.
  • Why is Java considered highly portable between different devices?
    Because it compiles its code into intermediate code that can be translated by the JVM on any device.