controlled observation in a lab with a two way mirror for the psychologists to observe the baby’s behaviour
what were the 5 categories to judge attachment quality?
Proximity seeking
exploration and secure base behaviour
stranger anxiety
separation anxiety
response to reunion
how did they assess proximity?
well attached babies stay close to caregiver
how did they assess exploration and secure base behaviour?
good attachment makes a baby confident to explore, using the caregiver as a point of safety
how did they assess stranger anxiety?
displayed in well attached babies
how did they judge separation anxiety?
displayed in well attached babies
how did they judge response to reunion?
well attached babies are more enthusiastic
What was the procedure of Ainsworths strange situation?
the baby experiences 7 ‘episodes’ lasting three minutes each
each time the response was observed
what are the 7 steps of the strange situation?
Baby is encouraged to explore by caregiver
stranger enters and talks to caregiver, approaches baby
caregiver leaves
caregiver returns and the stranger leaves
caregiver leaves the baby alone
stranger returns
caregiver returns
what are the three main types of attachment?
secure attachment
insecure avoidant attachment
insecure resistant attachment
what percentage of British toddlers show secure attachment?
60-75% of British Toddlers
what percentage of British toddlers show insecure avoidant attachment?
20—25% of British toddlers
what percentage of british toddlers show insecure resistant attachment?
3% of British toddlers
what behaviours do securely attached toddlers show?
happy to explore but use caregiver as a safe base
show medium separation and stranger anxiety
lots of joy on reunion
what behaviours do insecure avoidant attached toddlers show?
explore freely but doesn’t use caregiver as a safe base
low separation and stranger anxiety
no joy at reunion and avoids contact
what behaviours do insecure resistant attached toddlers show?
explores less and seeks greater proximity ton caregiver
high separation and stranger anxiety
resists and rejects caregiver on reunion
Strengths of the strange situation
good predictive validity - attachment type predicts later development, eg secure babies have greater success at school. insecure resistant are associated with the worst outcomes eg bullying and mental health issues
good inter-rater reliability - different observers watching the same babies agreed on attachment types. behavioural categories are easy to observe, confident that attachment type is correct
limitations of the strange situation
culture bound test - might not have same meaning in countries outside USA and Europe. cultural differences mean they respond differently. difficult to know what is being measured in other cultures
A fourth type has been identified - insecure Disorganised. display odd mixture of resistant and avoidant behaviours (they usually have experienced some form of neglect or abuse) Means Ainsworth classification is fine for NORMAL variations but not generalisable to everyone