Cards (18)

    • The Egyptian are under the rule of a Pharaoh, a king
  • Nemes
    • striped head clothed worn by pharaohs
  • Uraeus
    • stylized upright form of an Egyptian spitting cobra
    • symbol of sovereignity, royalty, deity, and divine authority
    • Egyptian believed in Life after Death, thus they started the so called Mummification
  • Ka
    • the body in the afterlife
  • Hieroglyphics
    • a form of picture writing
    • Greek term meaning "sacred carcving"
    • uses small pictures to represent words, actions, or ideas
    • all of the letters are consonant and there are no punctuation
  • The Tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter
    1. Religion
    2. LIfe after Death
    3. Mythology
  • Great Sphinx of Giza (King Khafre)
    • a huge statue of a sphinx, located in Egypt.
    • from the reign of King Khafre
  • Queen Nefertiti
    • was the wife of Akhenaton and the mother of Tutankhamun.
  • Bas Relief
    • on the walls of the Tomb of Neffer Sakkara
  • King Menkaure and Khamerernebty II
    • were the last pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty
  • Al Karnak Temple
    • cult temple and was dedicated to the god Amun, Mut, and Khonsu
    • built between 2055 BC and around 100 AD
    • largest building for religious purposes
    • known as "most select places"
  • Abu Simbel Temple
    • built by Ramesses II ( c. 1279-1213 BCE ) in ancient Nubia
    • he wished to demonstrate his power and divine nature
  • Luxor Temple
    • symbolic of the separation between the world and the sacred realm of gods
  • Mastaba
    • earlier and simpler type of tomb
  • Step Pyramid
    • uses flat platforms or steps, receding from the ground up, to achieve a completed shape similar to a geometric pyramid
  • The Pyramid Complex
    is a group of pyramids and temples in the ancient Egyptian city of Giza