Unlawful Act Manslaughter

Cards (17)

  • U
  • Also known as constructive manslaughter.
    1. There must be an unlawful act.
  • Franklin
    Must be a criminal offence, a civil wrong is not sufficient.
  • Lamb
    Must be a criminal act.
  • Lowe
    Must be an actual physical act, an omission is not enough.
  • 2. The Unlawful act must be dangerous
    D does not need to realise a risk of harm or injury.
  • Church
    Objective test 'sober and reasonable person must see a risk of some harm - albeit not serious harm'
  • Larkin, Mitchell
    Act does not need to be aimed at the vicitm. Starting a chain of events.
  • Goodfellow
    Act does not need to be aimed at a person.
  • Dawson
    Risk of harm must be physical in order to be deemed dangerous.
  • 3. The unlawful act must cause death.
  • Causation rules apply - the act must be the physical and legal cause of the death. Thin skull rule application if relevant.
  • Dalby
    Injection voluntary, not guilty.
  • Kennedy
    Prepared injection, encouraged it, found guilty at first instance but quashed. Self-injecting breaks chain.
  • 4. The defendant must have the mens rea for the unlawful act.
  • Newbury and Jones
    Must have the mens rea for the unlawful act. Does not need to foresee any harm.