psych- approaches

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  • Features of science
    objectivity- basing findings on fact as opposed to opinion (subjectivity)
    replicability- the ability to repeat a study and achieve the same findings
    empiricism- phenomenon that can be observed
    standardisation- controlled methods used in lab experiments and allows psychologists to establish causes and effects of the IV and DV
  • philosophical roots
    Rene Descartes- suggested mind and body being separate
    John Locke- suggested concept of empiricism (knowledge and experience is gained through the senses)
    Charles Darwin- theory of evolution
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    • Opened the first psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany in 1879 and wrote the book "The Principles of Psychology".
    • His approach to the human mind was breaking down thoughts/behaviours into smaller components (structuralism)
    • Studied the mind through introspection (trained participants describing thoughts and thought processes)
  • Wilhelm Wundt- AO3
    • strength- introspection was done in a controlled environment
    • strength- Wundt encouraged cognitive psychologists to study mental processes
    • weakness- introspection relies on non-observable responses
    • weakness- introspection has been criticised for being too subjective
    • weakness- Wundt trained his own researchers