cognitive approach

Cards (7)

  • assumptions
    • opposed the behaviourist stimulus-response approach, stating that the thought processes in between should be acknowledged
    • cognitive psychologist believe that internal mental processes can be measured scientifically
    • they explain behaviour in terms of internal mental processes such as thoughts, beliefs and attitudes and study how these affect behaviour
    • investigates unobservable areas such memory, perception and thinking, having to make inferences about thought processes and the basis of behaviour
  • schemas
    • 'packages of information' that act as a cognitive framework that help to organise and interpret information in the brain
    • a cognitive representation of our ideas about a person or situation
    • they are formed through experience and allow us to predict what may happen in the world
    • allow us to take shortcuts when processing large amounts of information
  • schemas- Ps and Ns
    • allows us to process info quickly
    • reduces reliability of memories due to recalling what we expected to have happened
    • leads to stereotypes and prejudice
  • theoretical and computer models
    theoretical models- simplified representations of mental processes which show stages of the particular process. The information processing approach suggests suggest that information flows through a sequence of stages that include: INPUT, STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL.
    computer models- compare the mind to a computer, such as the use of a central processor (the brain) and changing information into usable code and the use of 'stores' to hold info. We can also use a computer to see if instructions produce a similar output to humans.
  • cognitive neuroscience
    • studies the influence of brain structures on mental processes
    • has steadily developed over the past 20 years with technological advances such as: fMRI scans and PET which allow psychologists to identify areas of the brain associated with different mental processes and disorders.
  • cognitive neuroscience- Ps and Ns
    • research with demonstrates the neurological basis of mental processes
    • can be used to understand psychological disorders
    • ethical issues, such as use in lie detection and 'thought reading'
  • cognitive approach- AO3
    • approach uses scientific method (e.g lab experiments, controlled conditions)
    • has real world application- used in social psychology (stereotypes), mental illness and artificial intelligence
    • it has been accused of Machine Reductionism- reduces behaviour down to being like a computer and ignores emotion and motivation
    • some real-life application may be limited- cognitive psychologists can only make inferences about behaviour, research uses unrealistic stimuli