perfect competition

Cards (8)

  • perfect competition assumptions
    many buyers and sellers acting independently (no collusion)
    perfect information for buyers and sellers - helped by next assumption
    homogenous products - perfect substitutes
    no barriers to entry or exit
    all firms have equal access to factors of production
    firms are profit maximisers + consumers are utility maximisers
    perfectly elastic demand curve, firms are price takers
    no externalities
    no information failure
    no other type of market failure
    supported by a competitive labour market
  • revenues, costs and profits for a competitive firm- perfect competition
    if most firms are making supernormal profits in the SR, encourages entry of new firms into the market, driven by profit motive
    will be an outward shift in supply + fall in market price
    increase in market supply will reduce ruling market price to where the P=LRAC
    at this point, all firms in the industry are making normal profits where P/AR=AC
    there is no further incentive for movement of firms in and out of the industry, ceteris paribus, + a long-run equilibrium is established where P=AC at an output where MR=MC
  • revenues, costs and profits for competitive firm if firm is making a loss - perfect competition
    in the long run a firm will leave the market if they are not earning normal profit
    firms will stay in operation as long as it is covering its variable costs and ideally contributing towards its fixed costs, in long run it needs to cover all its costs
    supply shifts to the left, price rises, AR and MR will eventually rise
  • perfect competition assumption - realistic + unrealistic
    most firms have some amount of price-setting power, price makers not takers
    dominance in real world markets of differentiated/branded products
    highly complex products, always information gaps facing consumers
    impossible to avoid search costs even with the spread of digital/web technology
    patents, control of intellectual property, control of key inputs are all ignored by the competitive model
    rare for entry and exit to be costless
  • economic efficiency and perfect competition - allocative efficiency
    in both long and short run, P=MC so allocative efficiency is achieved when no one can be made better off without making some other agent worse off - achieve a pareto optimum allocation of resources
  • economic efficiency and perfect competition - productive efficiency
    occurs when the equilibrium output is supplied at minimum AC
    attained in LR for competitive market
  • economic efficiency and perfect competition - dynamic efficiency
    little scope for innovation
    designed purely to make products differentiated from each other
  • assumption of perfect competition
    many buyers and sellers
    perfect information
    homogenous products
    no barriers to entry/exit