A negative feedback loop detects a deviation from a set point, sends information to an integrator, which responds through an effector that has an opposite or diminishing effect on the originating variable.
What is the lock and key mechanism in hormone action?
The lock and key mechanism refers to hormones having a very specific 3-D shape that fits into receptor sites, which are proteins with a specific negative 3-D shape to the hormone.
What is the difference between nerve impulses and hormones in terms of response time?
Nerve impulses are adapted for directing immediate and rapid responses to the environment, while hormones coordinate gradual changes affecting the entire body.
Can you describe the process of secretin signaling?
Secretin signaling involves low pH in the duodenum stimulating S cells to release secretin, which travels through the bloodstream to pancreatic cells, resulting in bicarbonate release.
Can you describe the process of oxytocin signaling?
Oxytocin signaling involves suckling as a stimulus, sensory neurons sending nerve impulses to a neurosecretory cell, triggering the release of oxytocin, which circulates to smooth muscles in mammary glands, resulting in milk release.
Hormones can’t pass through the cell membrane, so they bind to cell-surface receptors, triggering activity at the plasma membrane that results in a cellular response.
Feedback control involves regulators that use internal mechanisms to control internal changes in response to external fluctuations, while conformers allow internal conditions to change with external changes.