Nursing care of growing fetus: normal pregnancy

Cards (73)

  • Zona pellucida and Corona radiata
    rings that surround the ovum, protects it against injury
  • Capacitation
    the final process that the sperm undergoes to be ready for fertilization
  • Hyaluronidase
    proteolytic enzyme released by the sperm to dissolve the layers or rings that surround the egg
  • Zygote
    one completed: ova + spermatozoan
  • Decidua
    What is the endometrium called after implantation?
  • Decidua
    "falling aff" right after delivery, blood which is termed as lochial discharges
  • Blastocyst
    Large cells tend to collect at the periphery of the ball leaving a fluid space surrounding an inner mass called _
  • Syncytiotrophoblast or Syncytial layer
    produces placental hormones such as HCG, estrogen, and progesterone
  • Cytotrophoblast or Langhan's layer
    present during 12 days of gestation to protect the growing embryo and fetus for certain infectious organisms such as spirochete or syphilis
  • Cytotrophoblast or Langhan's layer

    it disappears on the 20th to 24th age of gestation
  • Teratogens
    harmful chemicals and radiation that the mother may be exposed
  • Wharton's jelly
    gives the vord body and prevents pressure on the vein and arteries that passes through it
  • One large vein
    carrying oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus
  • Two small arteries
    carrying unoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta
  • Progesterone
    hormone for mothers
  • Progesterone
    maintains the endometrial lining of the uterine during pregnancy
  • Human placental lactogen (HCS)

    hormone with both growth-promoting and lactogenic mild producing properties
  • Human placental lactogen (HCS)
    promotes mammary glands in preparation for lactation
  • Immunoglobulin G (lgG)
    mother transmits _ to fetus through placenta, providing passive immunity
  • Placenta
    shaped like a pancake, grows from the trophoblast. Grows parallel to the growing fetus
  • Placenta
    developed by the first month of pregnancy
  • Placenta
    serves as nourishment, oxygen transport, and elimination
  • Umbilical cord
    develops at the same time as the placenta
  • Umbilical cord
    formed from the fetal membranes (amnion and chorion). At the center of the placenta
  • Umbilical cord
    provides a circulatory pathway that connects the embryo to the chorionic villi of the placenta
  • Umbilical cord
    transports oxygen and nutrients to the fetus from the placenta and to return waste products from the fetus to the placenta
  • Amniotic fluid
    absorbed by the amniotic membrane. Ranges from 500-800 to 1200 ml
  • Amniotic fluid
    most important purpose is to shield the fetus against pressure or a blow to the mother's abdomen
  • Amniotic fluid
    helps to control the embryo's temp
  • Hydramnios or Polyhydramnios
    more that 2000 ml
  • Oligohydramnios
    less that 300 to 400 ml
  • Yolk sac
    small and functions early in embryonic life
  • Yolk sac
    develops in the blastocyst about 8-9 days after conception
  • Yolk sac
    contains amniotic fluid-500 to 1200 ml as the end of pregnancy
  • Yolk sac
    also called as bag of water
  • Chorionic villi
    will reach out from a single layer of cells into the uterine endometrium to begin formation of the placenta
  • Blastocyst
    will form into an embryo. Structure that is attached to the endometrium
  • Trophoblast
    the outer layer of the ring. Will form into placenta and membranes
  • Fertilization
    beginning of pregnancy. Union of an egg and sperm
  • Fertilization
    also termed as conception or impregnation