Cards (17)

  • Who proposed the Steady State Theory?
    Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle
  • In what year was the Steady State Theory proposed?
  • Where was the Steady State Theory proposed?
  • What is the main purpose of the Steady State Theory?
    It serves as an alternative theory to the Big Bang
  • How does the Steady State Theory describe the universe?
    The universe is always the same, static, and continuously contracting or expanding
  • What is the basis of the Steady State Theory's logic?

    It is based on theoretical mathematical calculations
  • What does the Steady State Theory suggest about the beginning of the universe?
    It posits that there is no sudden beginning to the universe
  • How does the Steady State Theory explain the balance of density in the universe?
    It states that the decrease in density caused by expansion is balanced by continuous creation of matter
  • What is the significance of the "reservoir of energy" in the Steady State Theory?

    It indicates that expansion and creation work against each other
  • How many atoms are needed annually to maintain the steady state according to the theory?
    A small number of atoms
  • What does the Steady State Theory explain about the abundance of hydrogen and helium in the universe?
    It provides an explanation for their abundance
  • How does the Steady State Theory contribute to the Wheeler-Feynman Theory?
    It serves as a contributing theory to the Wheeler-Feynman Theory
  • What evidence refuted the Steady State Theory?
    The distribution of radio sources, discovery of quasars, and cosmic background radiation
  • In what year was the discovery of quasars that contributed to the refutation of the Steady State Theory?
  • What is the conclusion regarding the Steady State Theory in present day?
    The Big Bang Model prevails, and the Steady State Theory helped to prove the Big Bang through its testability
  • What are the key components of the Steady State Theory?
    • Proposed by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle in 1948
    • Suggests the universe is always the same, static, and continuously expanding or contracting
    • Based on theoretical mathematical calculations
    • No sudden beginning to the universe
    • Continuous creation of matter balances expansion
    • Explains hydrogen and helium abundance
    • Refuted by evidence such as quasars and cosmic background radiation
  • What are the implications of the Steady State Theory on the understanding of the universe?
    • Challenges the Big Bang Theory
    • Suggests a universe that is eternally unchanging
    • Introduces the concept of continuous matter creation
    • Provides a framework for understanding cosmic phenomena