Quiz 2 (Sec.103, 206, & 207)

Cards (18)

  • What is the section number that discusses when importation begins and is deemed terminated?
    Sec. 103
  • When does importation begin according to Sec. 103?
    When the carrying vessel or aircraft enters the Philippine territory with the intention to unload
  • If a foreign vessel arrives in Manila Bay with goods, what must it intend to do for importation to begin?
    It must intend to unload the goods
  • What is an example of a vessel mentioned in the study material?
    M/V Ocean Breeze
  • What signifies that importation is deemed terminated?
    When the duties, taxes, and other charges due upon the goods have been paid or secured to be paid
  • If an importer pays the correct amount for a shipment, what does this indicate about the importation?
    It indicates that importation is terminated
  • Under what condition can goods be considered free from duties, taxes, and other charges?
    When legal permit for withdrawal has been granted
  • How many Customs Districts can the Philippines be divided into?
    As many as necessary
  • Who has the authority to change the limits of Customs Districts?
    The Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of Finance
  • Who supervises each Customs District?
    One District Collector
  • What role does a Deputy District Collector play in a Customs District?
    They assist the District Collector as necessary
  • What section discusses Customs Districts?
    Sec. 206
  • What is the role of a District Collector at ports of entry?
    To supervise and control the port of entry
  • What section discusses Ports of Entry?
    Sec. 207
  • What is the relationship between ports of entry and Customs Districts?
    All ports of entry shall be under the supervision and control of a Customs District
  • Who is assigned to principal ports of entry?
    A District Collector
  • What type of ports may have a Deputy District Collector assigned to them?
    Other types of ports of entry
  • What are the key topics covered in the study material?
    • Sec. 103 – When Importation begins and deemed terminated
    • Sec. 206 - Customs Districts
    • Sec. 207 - Ports of Entry