News report and linear/non text

Cards (16)

  • Rachel E. Khan - she said that a news is an accurate and timely account of idea, issue, event that affect a significant number of people
  • What are the characteristics of a good news?
  • Where we cound find a sources for news?
    • an actual coverage of an event
    interview of an expert or person in authority
    •document such as speech, research, press conference, policy statement
  • Steps in making news reports
    list down all the data
    arrange the information in descending
    • play up the lead the most interesting and important role
    • present the other details of a news paragraph to answer the question that are not yet answered
  • What is Lead?
    • it attract the reader attention and gives information ( no no boring )
    50% done if you made this
  • Classification of lead
    Summary lead - useuse 5Ws and 1H
    Novel lead - it attract the readers by arousing his curiosity and interest
  • Formula of lead
    Who + what + so what
  • Formula of headline
    Subject + present verb + object
  • Quotation lead uses a signal mark
  • Remember in news writing
    • keep your story brief
    • be objective, the writer must be detached from news. Don't use I, we, my, mine, us, you, your, yours
    •look for usual angle
    use style guide
    • one sentence ,one paragraph
    • provide a good headline
  • Linear text
    Definition - tradition text that needs to be read from beginning to the end
    Reading path - one reading path which is decided by author
    Content - printed text like essay, novel, short story, article etc
    Efficiency - it take time to find information reader looking for
  • Non linear text
    Definition- does not needs to read from beginning to end
    Reading path -multiple pathway which is divided by reader
    Content- digital text like graphic organizer, flow chart, chart, diagram
    Efficiency- it allow the reader to fine information more efficiently 
  • Transcode - toto transform something into a new state
  • Steps Transcoding from linear to non linesr vice versa
    Step 1 - read and understand the source text to get main idea or central
    Step 2 - extract important information to be included in visual presentation
    Step 3 - remember to use word or phrases only
    Step 4 - to be organize, classify information into categories
    Step 5- make sure to use appropriate non-linear text in presenting visual information
  • Linear to non-linear
    read and get the main point
    •extract necessary information
    • use word oror phases only
    •classify information into categories
    • make sure to use the correct non-linear text to present your information
  • Non-linear to linear
    look at the details carefully
    • find the gist, the important and summary of information
    •write what was the diagram about and your interpretation from the given information