Questionnaire construction

Cards (6)

  • How are questions made more clear? (the word)
    By making them more unambiguous
  • How can we get more honest answers?
    By introducing anonymity
  • What are the three different types of closed questions?
    1. Fixed choice
    2. Rating scale
    3. Likert scale
  • What is a fixed choice question?
    The answer is fixed to certain options
    e.g. Which sciences do you take? Bio, Chem or Physics
    They can also be yes or no questions
  • What is a rating scale question?
    They represent feelings
    • e.g. How happy are you in college? Rate on a scale of 1-5
  • What is a Likert scale question?
    A question that askes about your view on something.
    • E.g. Psychology is hard, how far do you agree? rate on a scale of 1-5