Design of Interviews

Cards (7)

  • What are the pro's and con's of an unstructured interview?
    1. Pro - rich in detail, qualitative and provides a greater insight
    2. Con - Time consuming, qualitative, subjective, researcher bias and low internal validity
  • What is a structured observation?
    There's a clear focus on exactly what behaviours are being recorded
  • What are the pros and cons of a structured observation?
    1. Pro - Time effective, quanitative, direct comparisons and clear conclusions
    2. Con - Less detailed, quantitative, provides less insight and is not representative
  • What is a self report method? [3]
    the ppt provides information about their thoughts, attitudes and behaviours. Usually done by asking the ppt questions using an interview or questionnaire. The interviews can be either structured or unstructured and can contain either open or closed questions.
  • A structured interview:
    Pre-determined set of questions asked in a fixed order, basically a face to face questionnaire.
  • An unstructured interview:
    Works like a conversation. no set questions, there is a general aim of topic, interactions tend to be free flowing. Interviewee is prompted to expand and elaborate on their answers 
  • A semi-structured interview:
    Falls somewhere between. Most likely to be encountered in everyday life. There's a list of questions pre-determined but the interviewer can also ask follow up questions.