Pilot Studies

Cards (7)

  • When are pilot studies run?
    Before the experiment
  • Why are pilot studies ran?
    To check the feasibility of the research or improve the research design.
  • What are the benefits of a pilot study?
    • It can help to identify design issues
    • It can save (t)ime
    • It can save (r)esources
    • It can save (m)oney
    • It provides flexibilty
  • Give a strength of pilot studies in terms of time
    It can save alot of time. -> researchers can uncover issues in the study before the main study starts. -> preventing delays and setbacks during the main study therefore saving time.
  • Give a strength of pilot studies in terms of resources
    Require fewer resources. -> typically involve smaller sample size and shorter duration so require less financial and human resources. -> allows the researcher to test protocols and procedures without committing extensive resources upfront.
  • Give a limitation of pilot studies in terms of flexibility
    Excessive modifications can introduce instability and inconsistency into the research design. -> researchers must strike a balance between flexibility and rigor to ensure that changes made during the pilot study are warranted and do not compromise the integrity of the findings.
  • Give a limitation of pilot studies in terms of cost
    Still involves a cost. -> in the long run the researcher will have to pay for both the pilot study and the main study adding to the cost of the overall research.